lovemombderhome                                                              image004



Update June 2010- Additional old Carter dates and names complied from Census, BDM records and from files of

Spencer Hutchinson sent to me May 2010 and writings of Pauline Foster Carter 

Many old family pictures/obits etc. added thanks to Stena Carter Cook – Sandra Scott Cook



John Carter ancestors of Stena Pauline Carter Cook


Onslow Grant Original Grantees

Shares, of Rights, of 500 acres each were apportioned to the grantees, in the order

in which their names appear on the township grant are: Richard Upham, William Hamilton,

 Anthony Elliott, Thomas Stevens, James Lyon, John Steel and James Wilson

each two Shares. ..unto Frances Blair, Jonathan Higgins, Joseph Scotl, John Carter

ter, William Tackles, Hugh Tackles, Jacob Stevens, William McNutt,

The Heirs of Jacob lines, Nathaniel Gallop, Edward Brooks, David Hoar, Martin Brooks,

William Blair, Ephraim Howard, Joshua Lamb, David Gay, David Blackmore, Abner Brooks,

Carpenter Bradford, George Howard, Ephraim Scott, John Polly, Samuel Nichols,

Peter Richardson, Ephraim Howard Jun'r, Robert Crowell, Abijah Scott, David Cutting,

Isaac Ferrell, Daniel Knowlton & Mary Knowlton, each one share and an (SIC)

half: Elizabeth BIackmore, Abigail Upham, Caleb Putnam, Nathan Upham, Richard

Upham Jun'r Nicholas Blanchard James Tackles, John Cutting, Solomon Hoar ,

William Blair Jun'r; William Whippey, Peter Wilson, James Brown, The Heirs of

Zabez Rude, Joseph Pierpont, John Howard, Daniel Calf, The Heirs of Samuel

Whippy, The Heirs of Joel Camp, The Heirs of Benjamin Brooks, Asa Scott, Francis

Harris, John Barnhjll, Samuel Bencraft, & John Hewett, each one share; John Polly

Jun'r,  Reuben Richardson, William Crowell, Jonathan Higgins Jun'r., Mercy Brooks,

Hugh Actor (Easter) Tackles, Christopher Stevens, Jacob Stevens Jun'r ., Abner McNutt,

Jacob Lines Jun'r., Silvanus Brooks, Edward Brooks Jun'r., Ebenezer Hoar,

John Blair, and Deborah Wright, each one half share, together with two shares for

a use of a Church, a School, and Glebe Forever.

Census of the Township of Onslow compiled by Richard Upham, Esq., in 1770 list-

the following heads of households and numbers therein:

Barnhill, John (7)

 Blackmar, David (5)

 Blair, Francis (3),

Blair, William (9)

 Blancher, Nicholas (1)

 Bradford, Carpenter (6);

Brooks, Abner (5);

Brooks, Martin(3);

Carter, John (1)

Comonger, Henry(3);

Cutten, John (1);

Elliott, Anthony (7);

Gallop, Nathaniel (6);

Gay, David(5)

Hamilton, William (5);

Hayward, Ephrain (3);

Hayward. Ephraim Jr,(4);

Hayward,George (5);

Heckles, Samuel (5);

Higgins, Jonathan (5);

Hoar, David (8);

Lamb, Joshua (4)

Lyns, Thomas (8);

Lyon, Rev. James (7);

McNutt, William(8);

Miller, Noah (5);

PoIly, John (6);

Richardson, Peter (9);

Scott, Ephraim (5);

Staples, Matthew (5);

Stevens, Thomas (8);

Tackles, Hugh (7);

Tackles, William (5);

Thompson, Aron (7);

Upham, Richard, Esq. (11);

Whippy, William (1);

 Wilson, James (6).

Iditional names in 1771 were

Hoar, Solomon (1); and Nichols, Samuel (5),


          I have highlighted in blue above my great grand parents in Blue and Stephen’s grandparents in red. These would all be grandparents to my children. Note Mary Knowelton was great Grandmother she was a Scott who on the death of her husband Lieutenant Joseph Scott she remarried to Daniel Knowelton. Joseph died 1761 shortly after or on route to NS in 1761.  What I found interesting is that Mary and Joseph’s son Ephriam Scott and John Carter may have been neighbours or at the very least knew one another, and Generations later Stephen and I met and married. I wonder if John Carter served in the Company of Lieutenant Joseph Scott and Daniel Knowelton.


                             See Scott Family for more information on Sandra Scott ancestors.


1.    John Carter, born about 1735 in Woburn, Mass died after Sep 25, 1819 (I got the death information from ) Genejane has a extensive data base of Colchester Genealogy and is well worth visiting. Jane’s source of information for this death “Deed dated Sep 25 1819, whereby John Carter, Sen'r of Onslow, sells land to his son-in-law James W. Gourley at Onslow”. John and Lucy Carter moved to Onslow from US sometime 1761 after they were married. They had their first child in Stoneham in April 1761, and were in Onslow for their second child in 1762. I have written letters and tried to find the parents of John Carter however have been unsuccessful. Happy hunting to others. I am not ever sure of how we know he was born in Woburn. He served in the French and Indian War 1755-1756,rank private in the Plaisted Regiment I found a John Carter born June 18,1736 in son of Thomas Carter and Sarah Gilbert I wrote a letter however got no response could this be him? Link for Reverand Thomas Carter those that are interested. Also for more information on Carter siblings check out A Carter and Patrick family of Canada                                                                                                                    


              He married Lucinda or Lucy Davis, January 1761 in Stoneham MA, USA, born in Stoneham, MA, USA.  Lucinda: I always thought that Lucinda was previously married and her married name Davis. However looking at this document it doesn’t indicate that she was. However this document doesn’t contain any information other than their names.


                             i        John Carter, born April,07,1761 in Stoneham, MA married Elizabeth unknown had 12 children : John b (1782-died young) Lucy b 1784(died young), Thomas Hollis b 1785-1805, Richard b 1790, William b 1792, Olivia b 1793

                                                                                                                                Susanna b 1796, John b 1797, Elizabeth b 1799, Charles Dixon b 1801, Luella b 1803, and

                                                                                                                                                James G. Carter b May 27, 1805 died Jan 01, 1884 m Sarah Johnson had children:

                                                                                                                                                                                                 Janetta Carter b 848 m Frances Whidden Feb 03, 1873

                                                                                                                                                                                                Robert Carter b 1843 d Dec 03, 1911 m Medora Carter daughter George and Elizabeth Carter,

                                                                                                                                                                                                 James Carter Edward b 1848,

                                                                                                                                                                                                Jonathan Carter b 1849

                                                                                                                                                                                                Mary Carter b 1851 m John Howard Nelson

                                                                                                                                                                                                Hiram N Carter b 1852 d June 19, 1883 Brookfield, NS Age about (30)

                                                                                                                                                                                                Matthew Ashford Carter b 1855 m Ada V. Graham Oct 24, 1883

                                                                                                                                                                                                Sarah Carter b 1858 m David Kennedy son of David and Hannah Aikens Kennedy

                                                                                                                                Note-James G. Carter and wife Sarah settled in Upper Brookfield he was nephew to William Carter (first Carter settler in Brookfield) and Agnes Cox Carter.


                             ii       Sarah Carter, born Dec 31,1762 in Onslow, NS.

                             iii      Rachel Carter, born Aug 04,1765 in Onslow ,NS.

               2.          iv      William Carter b. January 29,1768.

                             v       Hannah Carter, born Jun 02,1770.

                             vi      Susanna Carter, born June 09,1772.

                             vii     Mary Margaret Carter, born April 14,1774 in Onslow, NS.

                             viii    Elizabeth Carter, born about 1778 in Onslow, NS.


Second Generation


2. William Carter, (1.John1) born January 29,1768 in Onslow, NS, died January 1832 in Brookfield NS ,, buried in Brookfield, NS.  According to The Miller book William Carter was one of the first settlers to remove to Brookfield. note- Cemetery West of the Brookfield Station. 'The body of Mr. William Carter was the first that was buried there in Jan 1832." I have heard that there has been some question as to who was buried first Carter or Hamilton. I would say Carter was first to be buried and Hamilton was first to have a stone erected.  Line from Israel Longworth’s History of Colchester County Nova Scotia Circa 1886 referring to William Hamilton in chapter 4 page 67 “His was buried in the village graveyard, and was the first interment at whose grave, a headstone was erected.” Will of William Carter from

·                                                                   In the name of God, Amen. Last Will & Testament of William Carter

I William Carter of the Township of Truro, Farmer, being very sick and weak in body, but of perfect mind and memory, thanks be given unto God, calling unto mind the mortality of my body, and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain this my last will and testament, that is to say, Principally and first of all, I give and recommend my soul into the hand of Almighty God that gave it and my body I recommend to the earth to be burried in decent Christian burial, at the discretion of my executors, nothing doubting but at the general resurrection, I shall receive the same again, by the Almighty power of God and as touching such worldly estate where with it has pleased God to bless me in this live, I give, demise and dispose of the same in the following maner and form.
First I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Agnes Carter one third of the home farm duering her live time and also all the household furniture, one cow, six sheep, and one third of the house namely the South room.
Secondly I give and bequeath unto my sons George & Robert Carter, the home farm lying and being in Brookfield in the Township of Truro three hundred acres more or less, of land, with all the stock.
Third, I give and bequeath unto my son Edward Carter two hundred acres of land more or less. No. 89, and 102 Situated in Brookfield in the township of Truro, as reserve made of fifty acres of wood of the Southend of the west lot for the use of the home farm.
I also give and bequeath unto my three sons above mentioned, all my out standing debts, after the payment of all my Lawful debts, Funeral expences and Probate fees.
Forth, I give and bequeath unto my daughter Agnes Carter one stand of draws, a table and six sheep.
Fifth, I give and bequeath unto my daughter Elenur Carter one cow and seven pounds worth of furniture in two years after my descease.
Sixth, I give and bequeath unto my daughter Lucy Carter one cow and seven pounds worth of furniture, to be paid in the three years after my descease.
Seven, l give and bequeath unto my daughter Margaret Carter one cow and sevn pounds worth of furniture to be paid in four years after my discease.
Eight, I give and bequeath unto William Kenedy Jn'r five pounds in lawful money, at twenty one years of age.
Nine, I give and bequeath unto William Carter the second, five pounds in lasful money to be paid in or at the age of twenty one years, and lastly I do nominate and appoint, George Carter & Robert Carter William Moor of Brookfield Executors of this my last will and testament hereby revoking and making, avoid all and every other will and wills at aney time heretofore by me made and do declare this to be may last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this thirtyeth day of April, in the year of our Lord one Thousand Eight hundred and thirtyone.
Signed Sealed declared and Published
by the above named. WILLIAM CARTER

William Carter, as and for his last will and
Testament in the presence of us, who at
his request and in his presence have
Subscribed or name as witnesses thereto

A inventory of the estate of William Carter lists the following as his personal property:

1 pair of fat Oxen, 2 pair of working Oxen, 5 cows, 3 Heifers, 4 year old cattle, three 2 year old cattle, 1 horse, 24 sheep, 3 pigs, 5 beds & bedding, 1 desk, 1 chest of drawers, 1 clock, 2 tables, 3 pots, 1 tea kettle, Shovel & Tongs, 2 Ox chains, 18 Bushel of Wheat, 20 Bushels of Oats, 4 Tons of Hay.
The total value of the above property was





       He married Agnes Cox, Mar 22, 1797, born Mar 11, 1775 in Truro, NS, she died 1861.(daughter of Charles Cox and Eleanor Stewart).

Marriage bond 6 MAR 1797 in Onslow; to be married by Jas. Archibald



                             i        Daniel Carter, born Aug 12,1797 in Truro, NS died 1885 Married Jane Kennedy Jan 1823, they had 9 children 8 sons and 1 daughter. (I only have 6 listed) Their daughter Margaret Ann born Oct 30, 1830 m Robert Johnson, sons

                                                                                                                                                                John b 1823, Lewis b , Robert,

                                                                                                                                                                and David Carter  born Dec 01, 1828 married Margaret Barbara Brenton daughter of Elizabeth Hamilton and Edward Brenton they had children:

                                                                                                                                                                1. Clara Jane Carter born Oct 21, 1866 d. 1878 age 12,

                                      2. Mary (Mae) Eleanor  m. John A Carter son in law and cousin of George W. Carter and Emeline Hamilton Carter husband of Anna Carter-see below, and cousin of her father David.

                                                                                                                                                                3. Norman Carter m. Sadie Logan had 15 children, 4. Jessie Carter m Edward Allenby had 3 children, 5. Ada Carter b Aug 19, 1876 m Howard Hayman,

                                                                                                                                                                6. Jane Carter b Aug 27, 1883 m Lyman Carter son of George W. Carter and Emeline Hamilton Carter see below,

                                                                                                                                                                7. Allen Carter b Mar 19, 1885/86 m 1911 Eleanor Jane Johnson had 10 children (Jessie, Thomas, Myrtle, George d. 1926, Wendell, Beatrice, Sylivia,

                                                                                                                                                                                                Norman, Hollis died as infant and Brenton) Note of interest sometime after Allen and Family left Truro they moved into the Queer

                                                                                                                                                                                                Bill Hamilton House and lived until 1926.

                                                                                                                                                                                                Brenton Carter son of Allen and Eleanor Carter m. Pauline Foster. Pauline Foster Carter

                                                                                                                                                                                                Authored a written a history of Pleasant Valley families in 1986 which Stena Carter Cook typed for her.

                             ii       Mary Carter, born Nov 17,1798 in Brookfield, NS. Died Aug 16, 1888 married William Kennedy

                             iii      John Carter, born Jun 09,1800 in Brookfield, NS died Brookfield NS died Sep 16, 1889. buried

                                                                                                                 Married Agnes (Nancy) Hamilton Nov 19, 1827 died June 13, 1854 (age 43) daughter of John Hamilton and Elizabeth Archibald -they had children:

                                                                                                                                                                1. Elizabeth Carter b Aug 22, 1828,

                                                                                                                                                                 2. Mary Carter born July 27, 1830,

                                                                                                                                                                3.Samuel Carter born  Feb 20,1832 d 1911 m Mary Boneil d 1874 age 43 children: Melville (Melvin) Carter Feb 20, 1861 d Jan 02, 1944,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                John Robert Carter b May 27, 1864 d Feb 01, 1946 and Ebenezer (Eben)(Evan) b. 1867.

                                                                                                                                                                4. Lucy Carter b April 27, 1836

                                                                                                                                                                5. Henry Carter born 1839/40 m Ruby Clark b.1847 they had Hugh Carter and Frederick Carter m#2 Sarah Johnson

                                                                                                                                                                 6. Mae Carter b,

                                                                                                                                                                 7. John Alexander born April 1, 1850 who married Anna Carter daughter of his Cousin William and Emeline Carter

                                                                                                                                                                See below for further info on Anna and John. And married #2 Mary (Mae) E. Carter daughter of his cousin David Carter.

                                                                                                                                                                Viewed BDM RECORDS- parents listed as John and Nancy Hamilton Carter on both Marriage and death record.

                                                                                                                        Also Census records in 1871 John age 22 was living with father and second wife Elizabeth , Jessie and Leonard.

                                                                                                                He married # 2 Elizabeth born ab 1834 they had children  Note- from Miller Book he married #2 “Margaret Phillips Jan 1867.” Possibly Margaret had middle name Elizabeth.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                Pauline Carter writing states according to his will Elizabeth was his wife.

                                                                                                                                                                8. Jessie Carter born 1864 

                                                                                                                                                                9. Leonard Carter born 1869.

              3.          iv      Charles Carter b. Aug 10,1802.

                             v       William Carter, born May 10,1804 in Brookfield, NS died Jan 1826

                             vi      George Carter, born Feb 05,1806 in Brookfield, NS, died May 12, 1876 married Elizabeth born ab 1831 had children:

                                                                                                                                                                                 Frank Carter b 1851 m Elizabeth Moore

                                                                                                                                                                                 John Carter b 1857, Helena Carter b 1860, Emily Carter b 1862, and Viola Carter b 1867.

                                                                                                                                                                                Medora Carter married Robert Carter son of James and Sarah Johnson Carter.

                                                                                                                                                                                                Note-Roberts father James and her father George would be cousins.

                                                                                                                                                                                Georgina Carter married Leander Kennedy son of William and Eleanor Kennedy

                             vii     Robert Carter, born May 30, 1808 in Brookfield, NS, died Jan 27, 1880 in Hansport, Hants County NS Married Eleanor

                            viii     Edward Carter, born Feb 11,1810 in Brookfield, NS; died Abt. 1860 in Bath Lincoln County Maine USA.

                             ix      Agnes Carter, born Mar 12,1812 in Brookfield, NS died Feb 1873 married April 08, 1830 Thomas Hamilton son of John Hamilton and Elizabeth Archibald. They had children Elizabeth, Eleanor (died young), Charles, John C.,

                                                                                                                                                                                Agnes, George A, Eleanor and Lucilla Hamilton

                                                                                                                Notes from

                 “Died- Found by the section men on the Pictou Railroad, at the Red Bank, four miles from Truro, the widow of the late Thomas Hamilton, Brookfield. At times of late, she has been considered insane. On Saturday last she left Truro and proceeded to the house of her daughter, Mrs. Davidson, who lives near the Valley Station and left there to return at 5 p.m. -- On Monday morning her lifeless body was found between the rails. She was upwards of 70 years of age. A Coroner's jury returned a verdict of 'death from exposure to cold and storm'.


                             x       Eleanor Carter, born Jun 02,1814 in Brookfield ,NS died 1852 Halifax, Halifax Co, NS.

                             xi      Lucille Carter, born Aug 18,1816 in Brookfield, NS died Dec 31, 1864 Middle Stewiacke, Col. Co, NS

                             xii     Margaret Carter, born Feb 14,1818 in Brookfield, NS died Nov 1866 Brookfield, NS


Third Generation


3.    Charles Carter, (2.William2, 1.John1) born Aug 10, 1802 in Brookfield, NS, died Nov 27, 1831. Age  29.

o                                                   Will of Charles Carter taken from



In the Name of God Amen
I Charles Carter of Brookfield in the Township of Truro District of Colchester County of Halifax and province of Nova Scotia Farmer. revoking all others declare this to be my last Will and testament.
First I allow and bequeath the one third part of my real Estate, and property to the alone use and benefit of my beloved Spouse Nancy Carter while she lives and at her death to be equally divided between my two children William and George Carter the remaining two thirds of my real estate and property I give and bequeath to my above named children William and George to be equally divided between them when George arrives to the age of Seventeen so that each may have the priviledge of improving on their property as soon as they are able but no power to sell or convey any part from them untill George arrives to the age of twenty one years. I also appoint my Spouce Nancy Carter and My Brothers John and Robert Carter to be the executors of this my last will and testament as also the Guardians of my two children William and George what debts are due to me and what personal property I am possessed of allow that in the first place my Just and honest debts shall be paid out of and the remaining part to the alone use and benefit of my said Spouce Nancy Carter.
Should my said children die before they come to the age of twenty one years I allow that my said Spouse Nancy shall receive the benefit of said real estate and property while she lives and at her death to be given to whoever she may think proper as witness my hand & seal this Seventeenth day of November A.D. one thousand eight hundred and thrity one ~

Signed Sealed and delivered by said testator as and for his last will and testament in the
presence of us

[Book B; pg 70 - Colchester County Probate]



       He married Agnes (Nancy) Oughterson, Dec 21, 1829 in Truro, NS, born Aug 10, 1802 in Brookfield, NS, (daughter of George Washington Oughterson and Eliza Coats). Agnes married #2 Robert Marshall

                                                                                                                                                Agnes died 1901she is buried with her second husband in Brookfield, NS.



                             i        William Oughterson Carter, born Nov 16,1829 in Truro, NS died 1913 married Esther Widden Dec 29, 1826. Had children Charles Judson Carter b 1856, Henritta (Etta) Carter b 1858, Mary Carter b 1859,

                                                                                                                William P.Carter b 1861, Frances  Carter b 1867, Arthur Carter b 1869, and

                                                                                                                                Edward Carter born June 25, 1863 who married Mary Ellen (Minnie) McCara.

                                                                                                                                                1901 Census Brookfield

                                                                                                                                                William and Esther living with son Edward and family

                                                                                                                                                   56 Carter Edward F. M   Head M Jun 25 1863 37

                                                                                                                                                   56 Carter Minnie E. F   Wife M Dec 5 1872 28 note: wife full name (Mary Ellen McCara)

                                                                                                                                                   56 Carter H. Harold M   Son S Apr 4 1897 4

                                                                                                                                                   56 Carter John M. M   Son S Oct 17 1898 2

                                                                                                                                                   56 Carter William M   Father M Nov 9 1829 71

                                                                                                                                                   56 Carter Esther C. F   Mother M Dec 10 1826 74

                                                                                                                                                   56 Nelson Lois G. F   Servant S Sep 22 1887 13


                                                                                                                                                1911 Census William now widowed still living with Edward.


                                                                                                                                                116 Carter Eddie F   M Head M Jun 1862 age 48  

                                                                                                                                                116 Carter Mary Ellen   F Wife M Dec 1878 age 37

                                                                                                                                                116 Carter Harold   M Son S Apr 1897 age 14 

                                                                                                                                                116 Carter John McCara   M Son S Oct 1898 age 12

                                                                                                                                                116 Carter Ava E   F Daughter S Apr 1908 age 8   

                                                                                                                                                116 Carter William   M Father W Nov 1829 age 81






            4.       ii     George Washington Carter b. Nov 26,1830.




                                                                                                            Fourth Generation


4. George Washington Carter, (3.Charles3, 2.William2, 1.John1) born Nov 26, 1830 in Onslow, NS, died 1876, buried in Brookfield, NS.  Died age 46 of copper mine poisoning.


       He married Emeline Hamilton, January 15, 1853 in Brookfield, born May 29, 1835 in Truro, NS, (daughter of William Hamilton and Martha Prestley) died Feb 16, 1897 in Brookfield, NS, buried in Brookfield, NS.




              See file on William Hamilton ancestors of Emeline Hamilton


                             i        Anna Carter, born Feb 02,1854 in Brookfield, NS, died 1891-94.  Anna married at age 18 to a John Carter who is thought to be the one known as 'Singing John'. It is known that both John and Anna were singers. Anna Carter died young and her husband John remarried to Mary (Mae) Carter sister of Allen Carter.




                                      She married John Alexander Carter, Mar 09, 1874, born Apr 01, 1850 in Brookfield, NS son of John and Nancy (Hamilton) Carter. Died Jan 09, 1939 Hilden, NS age 88y 9m 8d on death record birthdate April 01, 1950

                                                                                                                 therefore I will change from 1851 date I previously had. Informant on death record Hollis B. Carter son- buried Brookfield Jan 12, 1939.

                                                                                                                Viewed both marriage records and Johns death online


                                                                                                They had one child George Carter b 1884/1885  listed as son of John and Anna on the 1891 census. George was age 7. By the 1901 census George

                                                                                                                        would have been age 17/18, He was not living with his father and second wife Mary (Mae).

                                                                                                                        Found a marriage record of George Carter age 30 b 1885 NS parents John and Anna Carter

                                                                                                                        Jan 27, 1915 Mary Snider born USA parents Emanuel Snider and Magdalena Jose New Westiminister, BC

                                                                                                                        Reg# 960 by licence.


                                                                                John A. Carter married # 2 Jan 17, 1894 Mary (Mae) Eleanor Carter b. Sep 26, 1851 daughter of David Carter and Barbara Brenton see above on marriage record her parents listed as David and Margt.

                                                                                                                                                                  John A and Mary (Mae) had a child Hollis Carter b. Oct 01, 1900 died Sep 26, 1991 m. Winifred Chapman Nov 12, 1935.


                                                                                                                                                                                                1901 Census Truro

                                                                                                                                                                                53 Carter John M   Head M Apr 1 1851 50

                                                                                                                                                                                53 Carter Mary F   Wife M Sep 26 1869 31

                                                                                                                                                                                53 Carter Hollis M Sons S Oct 1 1900    6 m.




                5.          ii       Alonzo Carter b. March 04,1857.

                             iii      Emily Carter, born Jan 31,1859, died April 06,1919.  Emily and Dan McCallum lived in Scotland for a time but later left him and returned to Nova Scotia. They had no children. Emily died in 1919 at the home of Gus Hamilton.

                                                                                                Viewed death record Emily was in care of Dr. N. Pratt ill 6 months died of cancer of the stomach. April 06, 1919 buried Brookfield listed as married to Daniel McCallum, informant Mrs. G.A. Johnson.

                                      She married Dan McCallum.


                             iv      Clara Carter, born 1861, died 1955 in Brookfield, NS. Notes from Layton Carter Seldon used to refer to Aunt Clara being married to James Nelson. They had two children Adam who died about age 16 and Leon. Seldon always refered Leon Nelson as his first cousin. Clara married James Nelson at age 17. Seldon watched over and maintained a large woodlot of Leon Nelson's for many years… The orchard on this property was always known to Layton as Aunt Clara's orchard”


                                      She married James Nelson May 25, 1879 born ab 1856 Brookfield son of James and Margaret Nelson. Viewed marriage record.


                             v       Elizabeth Agusta Carter, born Sept 10,1864 in Brookfield, NS.  She moved to Montana US, They had 6 children Gertrude, Grace, Georgie, Harry, Willard, Lee.


                                      She married Alexander Cameron (Cam) Kennedy, Jan 25, 1885. Son of William C and Ellen Kennedy.Viewed Marriage record


                             vi      Georgina Carter, born Feb 02,1867 in Brookfield, NS died March 31, 1942 Brookfield.  She and Gus Hamilton had no children. Gus Hamilton was a first cousin of Georgia’s mother Emeline Hamilton. Georgie was Gus Hamilton's second wife. He was a widower when he married Georgie.

                                                                                                                Viewed- death record. She was widowed, age 75y 1m 29d name Georgetta parents listed as George Carter and Emeline Hamilton, Informant Carl Hamilton son.

                                                                        If she had no children was Carl Hamilton a step son, from the 1911 census Carl was a grandson. Maybe Georgetta and Gus raised him?

                                                                                    On the 1911 Census- W. Augustus Hamilton b July 1849 age 61

                                                                                                                        Georgetta Hamilton wife b Feb 1867 age 44

                                                                                                                        Karl Hamilton grandson b Dec 1902 age 8

                                                                                                                        Murray Carter nephew b July 1900 age 10

                                      She married William (Gus) Hamilton born July 01, 1849 died July 29, 1928 son of Archibald and Ruth Stevens Hamilton


                             vii     Reuben Carter, born about 1869.

                             viii    Lyman Carter, born July 25,1872 in Brookfield, NS, died 1908.  Lyman and Jane Carter had 4 children Murray (moved to California), Dora, Gladys, Edward (all moved to US).

                                                                                                                                                Lyman Carter died at about age 35 and Janie later married a Smith.


                                      He married Jane Carter, Dec 13, 1899 born Aug 27, 1883 Jane: Janie Carter. Daughter of David and Barbara Carter she had a sister Mary (Mae) Elizabeth Carter who married Lyman’s sister Anna’s husband John A. Carter.

                                                                                                                                                                Jane married #2 March 21, 1912 Alexander Fraser (Fred) Smith and had 4 more children Fraser, Donald, Helen, and Sylvia died young.


                             ix      Herbert Carter, born May 11,1875 in Middle Stewiacke, died Nov 05, 1875.  Herbert and Willard were Twins. He died Nov 05, 1875 age 6 months.




                                                                                 Notes I received later said that Chester Carter whom I do not have listed was Herbert's twin. Chester born 1875 died in 1891 age 16.

                             x       Willard Carter, born May 11, 1875 in Middle Stewiacke, NS.  Moved to Missoula, Montana where he was killed in a work accident. Willard was caught in a belt while taking a shortcut at his work place. Willard never married.


Fifth Generation


5. Alonzo Carter, (4.George4, 3.Charles3, 2.William2, 1.John1) born March 04,1857 in Brookfield, NS, died Oct 26,1940, buried in  Eastside Cemetery, Brookfield, NS.   All 10 children of Alonzo and Jennie Meech Carter born Brookfield, NS. Note birth date confirmed from 1901 census Colchester County. Another Birth date from Layton Carter March 04, 1856. According to note on back of picture Alonzo and Jennie were married Sept 20, 1899. From writings of Layton Carter   “-As Alonzo was the eldest son of George W. Carter, he had to provide for mother and siblings upon the early death of his father in 1876 of copper mine poisoning. Alonzo was 19 at the time of his father’s death and spent 5 winters and 2 summers working in the woods of Maine and New Hampshire in providing for the family.  Some of Alonzo's sisters were married (or married shortly after) their father’s death but it is understood that Emily Hamilton Carter was left with a mortgaged farm which Alonzo was able to pay off from money earned in the US. Alonzo was a noted "bass" singer and was a fairly regular performer in the Brookfield Baptist Church. It’s been said that he was such a great singer that the church would be packed to capacity when Alonzo was scheduled to sing. When Alonzo worked in the US, people came from miles around to hear him sing, some coming from as far as New York.  Alonzo married Jennie in 1899 and they lived on the last farm on Carter Road in Brookfield NS, The farm he owned was formerly his fathers farm; it being divided between George and William Carter. Eddie Carter later owned the William Carter portion. Alonzo stood about 5'11", and weighed about 180 lbs. He had large hands, was fairly strict and extremely religious. On Sundays, he took the children to church in the buggy or buckboard. Seldon told Layton they were not permitted to do much on Sundays. Seldon mentioned that the family had to sit around the living- room on Sunday afternoon for Bible sessions. A procedure Seldon disliked , intensely and was one of the many reasons that he turned away from religion.”

       He married Jane Elizabeth (Jennie) Meech, Sept 20, 1899 in Salem, Mass, born Dec 14, 1873 in South Barr, Cape Breton, NS, (daughter of William E. Meech and Amelia Sutherland) died April 18, 1953 from Stomach Cancer, buried in Eastside Cemetery, Brookfield, NS.  Jane: Birth Date confirmed 1901 census Colchester County NS. Notes from Layton Carter Birthdates Dec 14, 1872 or Dec 17, 1871. 1872 is on her headstone. Dec 17, 1871 was written in her mother’s records and Dec 14, 1872 is from records of her siblings. So somewhere in these couple of years Jennie was born. In Notes from Layton the following - Prior to Jennie's marriage to Alonzo, Jennie spent some time in Massachusetts, working for a woman named Hastings. She returned to Nova Scotia about 1898, to assist her brother William Henry Meech, following the death of his wife Macilla. It was Layton's understanding that Jennie had mentioned to others that if Alonzo was interested in her, he must come "a courting". This probably accounts for the Salem, Mass marriage. She was several years younger than Alonzo she was approx 26 and he approx 43 when they married in Sept 1899. Jennie was fairly strict and religious. On Sundays when the children were young, she usually stayed home to prepare dinner but attended church more when the children grew older. Layton remembers his grandmother as a fairly heavy lady of average height with a pretty face and a most pleasant personality                  


See Sutherland and Meech files for more of Jennie Elizabeth Meech Carter Ancestors.


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                                                                Alonzo and Jennie we believe taken on their Wedding day Sep 20, 1899                                                       The Carter Family taken about 1925 +/-


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                                                                                Gramma Jennie                                                                     Emily, Clara and Seldon 1903


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                             i        Emily Winifred Carter, born July 19,1900, died June 02, 1995 in Penticton, BC.


                                      She married John Walter Cockell  Aug 09, 1920, born March 10, 1883 in England died Oct 25, 1953 in Automobile Accident, buried in Lakeview Cemetery, Penticton, BC.


                                                                                                                                Children of Emily Carter and John Walter Cockell:( Jack, Harry,

                                                                                                                                                John Walter Cockell married #1 Laura McLeod

                                                                                                                                                                He and first wife Laura had children in Cape Breton NS (Lois, Albert, Daisy, Russell and Walter Cockell)




                             ii       Clara Carter, born Jan 04,1902, died Dec 19, 1951 age 49.



                                      She married Murray Fitzgerald, born. born March 31, 1897 in Cape Breton, NS died Feb 08, 1970 Truro, NS buried Robie St Cemetery Truro.


                                                                                                                                                Clara and Murray had children:




                6.          iii      Seldon Carter b. Feb 13,1903.

                             iv      Hazel Vivian Carter, born Feb 05,1905, died Apr 13, 1994.



                                      She married Dradley Edward Mathers.


                                                                                                                Hazel and Edward had children:




                             v       Lee Russell Carter, born April 10,1906 died Feb 23, 2003 at age 96.


                                           He married Katherine Urquhart. Died before 2003 Lee and Katherine had 5 children David Carter, Jonathan Carter, Miriam (Mrs. Reno), Mary Carter (Mrs. Betzler) and Rachel Carter deceased.




                                                                                                                                Rev. Lee Carter (Obituary)

                                                                                                Rev. Lee Russell Carter, 96, died   Monday, Feb. 24, 2003, at Tamdem

                                                                                                 Health Care in Woodstock. Rev. Carter was born April 10, 1906, in

                                                                                                Brookfield, Nova Scotia, Canada, son of the late Alonzo and Jennie

                                                                                                Meech Carter.  He attended Ricker Classical Institution in Houlton,

                                                                                                Maine, and graduated from the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago. He

                                                                                                served as a chaplain in the Canadian army. He was a pastor in Brookfield

                                                                                                and served in Baptist churches in Maine, Massachusetts, Illinois

                                                                                                and Missouri. He was the husband of the late Katherine Urquhart Carter.

                                                                                                 Surviving are two sons, David Carter of Hampshire, Ill. and Jonathan

                                                                                                Carter of Springfield; two daughters, Miriam Reno of Woodstock and

                                                                                                Mary Betzler of St. Louis; a brother, Carson Alonzo Carter of Calgary Alberta, Canada;

                                                                                                12 grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren.  A celebration of life will

                                                                                                 be held  in St. Louis in the spring.

                                                                                                 Shenandoah Valley Herald

                                                                                                 Woodstock, Virginia

                                                                                                 Feb 27, 2003

                                                                                ‘Feb. 24/03 - Hello Sandra & Stephen:  Just a short note to tell you that Frances Carter phoned to say that Rev. Lee Carter slumped over at the table last evening - and passed away this a. m.  He was 96 and thankfully did not experience any illness or pain.  We now know that he is in God's presence and I am sure he and Katherine are having a great reunion.  They also lost a daughter, Rachael, to cancer - so the joyous meeting is on now!

                                      Bye for now, love Ma Cook’



                             vi      Lorne Albert Carter, born May 26,1908, died July 18, 1991.


                                      He married Frances M. Ellis, born 1918. Lorne and Frances had 4 children Ruth Carter (Mrs. Del Allison), George Carter, Ralph Carter and Daniel Carter.

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                             vii     Cecil Whitney Carter, born April 16,1910, died June 17, 1997.


                                      He married Anne Draycott. Died Jan 29, 1991


                             viii    Georgina Carter, born Oct 11,1911, died Aug 30, 1980.



                                      She married Travis Sylvanus Robinson, born 1903 died Jan 19, 2000 at age 96. He was the son of Charles and Minnie Robinson. He and Georgietta (Georgie) had 2 children Dr. D. Keith Robinson (m. Margaret), Paul Robinson (m. Elaine)



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                             ix      Stena Carter, born April 24,1913, died Mar 01, 1998.



                                      She married Beverly Noddin.


                             x       Carson Alonzo Carter, born May 21, 1914. Died Jan 21, 2007 age 92.


                                                                                                Grandma Jennie Carter,  Stena, Carson & older Grandma2                                                  image048

                                                                                                Jennie, Stena, Carson and Grama unknown                                                              Stena Carter Cook, Carson and daughter Lynda Carter


                                      He married Muriel Lyna Kennedy. Born 1920 died 1994. Carson and Muriel had 4 children Lyman Carter, Lynda Carter, Douglas Carter (deceased, 2002) and Jean Carter (Mrs. Stewart) (Deceased).






Carson Carter, age 92, son of the late Alonzo and Jenny Carter of Brookfield, Nova Scotia, passed away on January 21st, 2007, in Calgary, Alberta. 

He was the last surviving member of his immediate family. There were five sons and five daughters in the Alonzo Carter family.

Carson leaves to mourn his passing his daughter, Lynda of Calgary, his son Lyman of Winter Park, Florida; also survived by his son-in-law Richard Stewart and two grandchildren

Allison Stewart and Richard Geoffrey and a great grandson Richard Karson Stewart.  He was predeceased by his wife Muriel (Kennedy), his daughter Jeanie Stewart of Calgary and

his son Douglas Carter of Sacramento, California. Funeral arrangements are incomplete at this time.


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                                                                                                                                                                                                Carson’s wife Muriel Kennedy Carter                                      Carson’s daughter Jean Carter Stewart

Sixth Generation


Seldon Carter, (5.Alonzo5, 4.George4, 3.Charles3, 2.William2, 1.John1) born Feb 13,1903 in Brookfield ,NS, died Mar 13,1994 in Brookfield, NS, buried in Brookfield, NS. Excerpts from Layton’s writings As a young man, Seldon moved to western Canada and the northwestern United States where he remained for a total of ten years employed on wheat farms and in forestry. He eventually returned to Nova Scotia where he bought the “Logan” farm in Upper Pleasant Valley….. Seldon`s initial farm in Pleasant Valley was on land that probably was originally owned by one of his ancestors - William Carter, one of the early settlers of Brookfield….. Seldon was generally a very mild mannered, well-liked person. All the children in the neighborhood always gathered at his place for rides on the various horse drawn wagons that he owned. He always kept his neighbors stocked with fresh vegetables from his gardens and at no charge.  He was a very much 'stay at home person' and preferred to working his gardens rather than traveling about.  Seldon was very set in his ways and once he made a decision, it was impossible to have him change his mind….. Seldon enjoyed gardening and most often had three gardens on the go, each season….. He always told me that it made more sense to have vegetables growing on the land near his house rather than wasting time mowing grass. He had survived the depression and I am sure he never wasted anything the remainder of his life. Seldon was blessed with exceptional memory and it remained with him until the end of his life….. He could rhyme off the names of various horse teams he had driven in western Canada fifty and sixty years ago as if he had just driven them yesterday….. He was not a very large man - about five foot eight and very lean - not an ounce of fat on him but his strength was unbelievable…. Alvin Carter, an older cousin of Seldon's, told me that as a young man, Seldon was considered to be the strongest man in Brookfield and I can believe him. Although Seldon was always bothered by asthma, he lived a pretty healthy life….. Seldon was not very much into religion despite coming from an extremely religious family……. Seldon still mowed portions of his lawn (with a push power motor) when he was ninety. He eventually died of old age - his heart just finally stopped after several weeks of lying around. He refused to go to the hospital in his final days. Although he wouldn't mention death, I am convinced that he wanted to die at home. I knew my father's time was drawing nigh when he told me he that he didn't want to have a garden in 1993 - the year before his death. Gardens were his life and to not want one meant that he was failing more than he would let on. My father was a very intelligent and interesting person.  He was also extremely independent.”


I know Sandra already has a very good write-up from Layton regarding our Dad.  He was a very special, kind man.  He was always anxious to hear of any big events happening in either our own lives or his grandchildren’s lives.  He was probably Lyle’s biggest fan while Lyle was playing hockey even though he did not darken the Brookfield Rink door.  He felt he would get too nervous and would probably say something he should not!  Ha

Dad’s special trips were always up to visit Uncle Austin and if he knew that was where we were headed – well, he was ready also.

We would carry along a massive lunch and big thermoses of tea which were shared with Uncle Austin and his many cats.  Our biggest laugh we had at Uncle Austin’s I remember was once when Mom had made a big pot of stew – and we had it sitting on Austin’s stove warming up.  Next thing we look – the cats are sitting on the table and beginning to feed off some plates.  Needless to say, these animals were given short shift by my Dad.  Although he loved animals – their place was not on the table where he planned to eat!

When Uncle Austin burned to death in his home – that was a most traumatic event in both Mom and Dad’s lives and I am sure they never fully recovered from it.  He was dearly loved by them both!”



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Seldon as a baby 1903

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Seldon and a sister(not sure which one)


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       He married Addie Villa McLellan, born July 15, 1912 in Barronsfield, Shulee, Cumberland Co, NS, (daughter of Norman McLellan and Olive Jane Cates) died May 02, 2001 in Truro, NS, buried May 05, 2001 in Brookfield, NS.

       I remember Nan as a caring giving lady. She always had her doors open to us. I am a bit shocked at the picture of Nan below with the dog. If I remember correctly she was not too fond of dogs or cat or maybe just cats. I found she always dressed very sharp. I believe she always worked. I know she drove and did so until she was quite elderly. Her husband Seldon did not drive. This was a bit of a role reversal especially years ago. She was religious and Seldon was not. They always seemed happy and there was always a lot of laughter when we visited.  Seldon was especially good at telling the stories. I will have to get someone in the family to contribute more here. Sandra

Stena memories of her mom-


I well remember my Mother (Nan as she became known in later years) while we lived in Pleasant Valley as a hardworking, caring person.  She was a great cook and also enjoyed fun times with us children.

We had a nice steep hill out beside the house and I can remember Mom getting on Dad’s big wide sleds to go down the hill with us.  Layton would be quite small at that time, Lyle not yet born.  We also had an old barrel that we used to get in and roll down the hill and this was a scary ride! 

There was also a small brook that meandered along the Pleasant Valley Road at that time – and Mom would come down for a swim with us.  She always enjoyed going to the beach and would putter about in the water but not go too deep.  We had many picnics in my Mom and Dad’s older days – down to Maitland Park, up to Economy Park, and, of course, the special trips to visit Uncle Austin in River Hebert.

After my mother got her driver’s license (in her later years – maybe in her early 50’s) she was very brave and would take many of her lady friends when Dad wanted to stay home – and go on picnics and various excursions.  They went as far as Prince Edward Island and down through the Valley on several trips.

Even as Mom got older – she still loved to get in a car and be on her way some place!  If the car was moving – then Mom would like to go either shopping or visiting.  It did not matter too much!  I know I enjoyed many visits with her older friends (around the country) as on these jaunts, after our visits, we would either carry a lunch or go out and have a special treat at a restaurant.”


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                                                                                                                                                Seldon and Addie’s Home Brookfield 1940’s where they lived until their deaths.


                                                                                                                                                image043 image098



                                                                See McLellan and Cates Family files for ancestors of Addie Villa McLellan Carter




                                                                                7.             i               Madeline Joyce Carter.

                                                                                8.             ii              Stena Pauline Carter.

                                                                                9.             iii             Layton Seldon Carter.

                                                                                10.           iv             Lyle Dwight Carter.




Seventh Generation




7.    Madeline Joyce Carter, (6.Seldon6, 5.Alonzo5, 4.George4, 3.Charles3, 2.William2, 1.John1).


       She married Harold Davis, April 20, 1957.



                11.        i        Diane Davis.

                12.        ii       Nancy Davis.

                             iii      Bradley Davis.


                                      He married Lisa Unknown. Sep 16, 2000 –They have one child to date- Hayden Skye Davis.


                             iv      Lisa Davis.


                                      She married Larry Sullivan. Sep 17, 1999 they have 2 children to date-Taylor MacKenzie Sullivan and Morgan Ashley Sullivan.


8.    Stena Pauline Carter, (6.Seldon6, 5.Alonzo5, 4.George4, 3.Charles3, 2.William2, 1.John1).


       She married John Edward Cook, June 22, 1957 in Brookfield, NS, born March 05, 1932 in Truro, NS, (son of John Edward Cook and Emma LaFontaine) died March 04, 1999 in Pleasant Valley, NS.  John: Was a T.V repairman. John died

                                                                                 In his at home March 04, 1999. Age- few hours shy of his 68th birthday. For further information on John Cook’s family see Cook Family.



                13.        i        John Stephen Cook.

                             ii       Tanya Elida Cook.

                14.        iii      Terrance Lyle Cook.




9.    Layton Seldon Carter, (6.Seldon6, 5.Alonzo5, 4.George4, 3.Charles3, 2.William2, 1.John1).


       He married Joan Elizabeth Feilding, Nov 10, 1962.



                15.        i        Darlene Denise Carter.

                16.        ii       Gregory Layton Carter.

                             iii      Brenda Elizabeth Carter.


                                      She married #1 Michael Jorden. She married #2 Tom Wong married April 01, 2010.


10.    Lyle Dwight Carter, (6.Seldon6, 5.Alonzo5, 4.George4, 3.Charles3, 2.William2, 1.John1).


         He married Susan Doreen Campbell, Sept. 5, l972.



                             i        Donald Carter.

                             ii       James Carter.


                                                                He married Laura Niedermeyer Aug 02, 2008 in NS.

                             iii      Robert Carter.


Eighth Generation


11.    Diane Davis, (7.Madeline7, 6.Seldon6, 5.Alonzo5, 4.George4, 3.Charles3, 2.William2, 1.John1).



                             i        Taryn Davis.


12.    Nancy Davis, (7.Madeline7, 6.Seldon6, 5.Alonzo5, 4.George4, 3.Charles3, 2.William2, 1.John1).


         She married Jamie Little.



                             i        Geoffery John Little, born Aug 17, 1988, died July 13, 1990.

                             ii       Michael Davis Little.

                             iii      Mitchell Arron Little.

                             iv      Jared Carter Little.


13.    John Stephen Cook, (8.Stena7, 6.Seldon6, 5.Alonzo5, 4.George4, 3.Charles3, 2.William2, 1.John1).


         He married Sandra Elizabeth Scott, Feb 15, 1986 in Alton, NS, (daughter of Vernon Ellis Scott and Elizabeth Marie Miles).



                             i        Samantha Denise Cook.

                             ii       John Stephen Cook.

                             iii      Scott Vernon Cook.


14.    Terrance Lyle Cook, (8.Stena7, 6.Seldon6, 5.Alonzo5, 4.George4, 3.Charles3, 2.William2, 1.John1).


         He married Robyn Lynne Austin.



                             i        Shania Brittney Cook.

                             ii       Jazmin Alanna Cook

                             iii      Matthew Terrance Cook


15.    Darlene Denise Carter, (9.Layton7, 6.Seldon6, 5.Alonzo5, 4.George4, 3.Charles3, 2.William2, 1.John1).


         She married Oct 14, 1995, Joseph Garden.



                             i        Tasha Garden.

                             ii       Jeremy Carter Garden.



16.           Gregory Layton Carter (9.Layton7, 6.Seldon6, 5.Alonzo5, 4.George4, 3.Charles3, 2.William2, 1.John1).


                               He married #1 Oct 27, 1992 Laurie Francine Bernard.


                                He married #2 Feb 27, 2006 Leann Dickie.




                                  i      Erin Elizabeth Carter










