

            The information below was compiled from family, and Files of Doug Goff The Hamilton Lineage of Robert which I have provided a link for

anyone interested in Roberts Hamilton’s Ancestors. Mr. Goff has kindly given me permission to post his file. I also consulted genejane

marvelous site for anyone with Colchester connections her data base is unbelievable. Excerpts from Israel Longworth’s ‘History of Colchester

County Nova Scotia circa 1886’


Update June 2010, Wills below were taken from the website of Jane Wile who has done extensive

Research on Colchester families please visit her site at www.genejane.com .





Robert Hamilton, Born Nov 8, 1734 in Vicars Cairns, Armagh, Ireland. Died Dec 1814 in Truro, Nova Scotia born about 1735. Excerpt taken from The Hamilton Lineage of Robert

Hamilton Report by Doug Goff.-“Robert Hamilton arrived in Halifax, Nova Scotia in March of 1771 on "The Hope" with his wife, five children, younger brother Hants and at least one nephew. From

Halifax he went to Truro in the fall of the same year. There he secured a grant of land about three miles up the Salmon River from Truro. It was known as Wilson's Mountain and was near Tucker's Mills,

 now known as Murray's Siding.The link between the Hamilton's of Colchester County and their ancestors was found in "A History of the House of Hamilton", by Lt. Col. George Hamilton, a Solicitor of the

Supreme Court of England, 1933, as reported by Mrs. Innes and Mrs. Rupert H. Cobbold of Montreal, descendents of Pierce Stevens Hamilton (son of Robert, of William, Brookfield, Nova Scotia), barrister

and journalist of Halifax and an early advocate of the Confederation of Canada, born 1826, died in Halifax about 1896, through his son Percy St. Clair Hamilton, writer and journalist in Nova Scotia and

later in Montreal, born 1862, removed to Montreal in 1899 and died there in 1926. They claim that a manuscript pedigree was in the treasured possession of the family for several generations, showing the

ancestor of this branch to be John Hamilton, son of Gavin Hamilton of Bally-gally, Ireland, third son of Rev. Hans Hamilton, Vicar of Dunlop, of the Raploch, Scotland family.”

Also from Doug’s Hamilton Lineage the below information and Letter.

“, Robert Hamilton and his wife Agnes Ferguson left Ireland with their growing family to settle in Nova Scotia. They secured a grant in the

Township of Truro and raised a large family. A family letter dated 1790, Ireland has been preserved in the family, giving them news of the family they left

behind."This letter was from Robert's brother William in Ireland. There was no envelope, merely the letter folded over and addressed to William or Hants Hamilton,

Halifax. It had been re-addressed to Cornwallis. A large figure 8 indicated that the postage collected was 8 pence. Feb 23 1790, Ireland

"Dear Brothers, This comes to let you know that I am in good health, and my

family at present, thanks to God. I hope that this will find you and families

the same. I will acquaint you that your sister Jane is dead, and her daughter,

Nancy. Also your brother David. Your brother Archibald is in good health. You

may let Esther know that her sister Simpson is dead, and her mother. I had an

account since you wrote, that you were all well. The rest of the __?__ and John

Rowan are still in good health. I hope that you will write as soonas this comes

to your hand, and please to tell us of the affairs of that country, and how you

would advise my sons as they are thinking of going to it if you would send them

any encouragement. Please let me know how John Hamilton's daughter is. The

Fergusons are all well and they will write you. I have written you several

times, but received no answer these two years. I have nothing more to inform you

of, only that there has been some disturbances for these three years past

between the Protestants and the Papists. Every means has been taken to settle

them my gentle means, but cannot say that this has come to an end yet. My wife

and family all join with me in sending our best wishes. Farewell, I am, Dear

brother, your affectionate brother." (sgd) William Hamilton.”




He married Agnes Ferguson, 1757. She was born Mar 5, 1739 in Armagh, Ireland. Died 1835 in Upper Stewiacke, Nova Scotia .It appears that Agnes lived to age 96.





                                                                                                1.             i. William Hamilton. Born Dec 28, 1758

                                                ii. Mary Hamilton. Born Jan 21, 1761 in Armagh, Ireland. Died Aug 20, 1847 in Brookfield, Nova Scotia.

                                                iii. Margaret Hamilton. Born Oct 4, 1763.

iv. Robert Hamilton. Born Feb 16, 1765 in Armagh, Ireland. Died Dec 1815 in Upper Stewiacke, NS.

                                                                Married Oct 27, 1855 Jane Soley b Jan 05, 1805 d Oct 01, 1897

Jane Soley Hamilton practiced Midwifery in the Area from 1851-1893 delivering hundreds of babies. I have copy of scanned pages of Jane’s

Record book.


In the death of Mrs. Hamilton "Aunt Jennie," as she was familiarly called by all, we lose our oldest resident. She had reached the advanced age of nearly 93 years. The funeral took place from the Presbyterian church yesterday."

[Truro Daily News - Oct 6 1897]


Last Will and Testament -
This is the Last Will and Testament of me Jane Hamilton of Brookfield in the County of Colchester , Widow.
First I will and direct that all my just debts funeral and Testamentary expences including a grave stone to be erected at my grave where i am interred to be first paid out of my personal estate.
Second I will and bequeath to my daughter in law Ellen Hamilton widow of John L. Hamilton deceased, one new sofa, one round candle stand, two mats, a book called "The Afflicted Man's Compainion"
Third I will and bequeath to my son William S. Hamilton one Bedstead not painted / one feather bed marked W one under bed marked W my second best hardwood table one chest two mats, one quilt marked W two sheep four Volumnes "Burus Justice" and four Volumnes Murdoch's Epitome of the Laws of Nova Scotia.
Fourth I will and bequeath to my daughter Mary Jane Kennedy one round table one chest one cane seated Rocking Chair one mirror one red and white bed quilt one pair linnen sheets one glass sugar bowl one gilded cream pitcher one half dozzen shina tea plates one half dozzen silver teaspoons two mats a book called "Browns View of Religion", Crudens Concordance", Warrens Household Physician" and all my waring apparel.
Fifth I will and bequeath to my son James Hamilton one riding waggon one cow two sheep one stand of drawers one book case one writing table my best hardwood tabel one sofa one chest Six cane seated chairs one candle stand one mirror one half dozen silver knives one half dozen Common knives and forks my every day bed and bedclothes one white quilt two mats one wash stand and bowl one map of Colchester County one pocket compass one turned posted bedstead one shot gun two ox chains two augurs one pung one pair traces one candle stand four Volumes of Blackstone Commentaries the Laws of England one plan of the township of Truro one surveyors compass one surveyors chain Halliburtins History of Nova Scotia, Walkers Dictionary one family record one large pot.
Sixth I will and bequeath to my grand daughter Isabella Jane Hamilton one feather bed and one under bed.
Seventh I will and bequeath to my grand daughter Mary Ellen Hamilton six windsor chairs and one stand.
Eighth I will and bequeath to my grand daughter Lucretia Scott one spinning wheel.
Ninth I will and bequeath to my grand daughter Jane Clark one feather bed and one under bed and bedclothes of the same.
Tenth I will and bequeath to my grandson John M. Kennedy one long posted bedstead.
Eleventh I will and bequeath to my children now living three fourths of the money I may have in the Saving's Bank at my decease the other fourth of said money to go to my grand children the son and daughters of my deceased son Baxter Hamilton be equalling divided among them.
Twelfth I ordain and appoint John J. Hamilton, Station Master of Brookfield as executor of this my last Will and testament.
In testimony wereof I have hereto set my hand and seal and publish and declare this to be my last will and testament in the presence of the witnesses named below this third day of May in the year of Our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and ninety two.

Signed Sealed published and declared by the said Jane Hamilton as and for her last Will and Testament in presence of us who in her presence and in the presence of each other and at her request have hereunto subscribed our names as Witnesses.


v. John Hamilton born Jul 31, 1768 in Armagh, Ireland died Jul 31, 1835 in Brookfield, Nova Scotia.

He married Elizabeth Archibald had children Thomas, Robert, Elizabeth, John Jr, William, Hants, Agnes and Rachel Hamilton.

Son Thomas Hamilton married Agnes Carter (daughter of William Carter and Agnes Cox) had 8 children-

Daughter Agnes Hamilton married John Carter b 1800 of Brookfield they had seven children Elizabeth, Mary, Samuel, Lucy, Henry, Mae, and John A. Carter who married #1 Anna Carter daughter of George and Emeline Hamilton Carter.

Daughter Elizabeth Hamilton married Edward Brenton one of their daughters Margaret Barbara  Brenton Married David Carter son of Daniel Carter and Jane Kennedy.

                                                vi. Archibald Hamilton. Born Mar 19, 1771 in Armagh, Ireland.

vii. George Hamilton. Born Jan 5, 1774 in Truro, Nova Scotia. Died Sep 13, 1842.

                                                viii. Agnes Hamilton. Born Apr 26, 1776 in Truro, Nova Scotia. Died 1780


ix. Hants Hamilton. Born Jan 1, 1780 in Truro, Nova Scotia. Died 1856 in Upper Stewiacke, Nova Scotia.








                        Second Generation


2.                 William Hamilton,(1.Robert1)  born Dec 28, 1758 in Sagahan, Armagh, Ireland died Jan 20,1836(grave Stena) or Jan 12 1838 (according to Longworth) in Brookfield,

                             Colchester Co, NS age 79 yrs or age 81 depending on these dates.

                   Excerpts- from Longworth’s Book below pertaining to William Hamilton of Brookfield chapter 4- Brookfield.


                It was first settled in the year 1784, 'by William Hamilton and Daniel Moore -Hamilton was born in County Armagh, Ireland, on December 28th, 1758.

                He emigrated to this province in 1770.His father, brothers Robert and John, and his sister, accompanied him. They came out in the Schooner "Hopewell".

                Captain Neil McGowan…….

                Hamilton's log cabin was eight miles from any other except Moore's, and was close to a spring, where his horse drank whenever he chose.

                To the cabin there was annexed a kind of rough shed as a shelter for the horse. One cold winter's evening, a half-frozen Irishman put up at

                this forest abode for a night's lodging. During the first part of the night, he kept Hamilton awake by complaining of his feet being frozen, and

                expressed a wish that the devil had them. About this time, the horse puts its head through the rude window of the hut, and made a loud snort. The

                Irishman, greatly alarmed, exclaimed, "What is that?" Hamilton adroitly replied, "The devil after your feet!" The result proved, as may be

                imagined, that Hamilton was allowed to sleep in quietness, the remainder of the night. Until Hamilton got a wife to bake his bread and mend his clothes, he

                                                                                was under obligations to Mrs. Moore for her help. She went to his cabin every Monday morning and baked a loaf which supplied him for a week. After kneading

                                                                                the dough, she formed it into a beautiful large cake of an oval form, two or three inches thick, swept clean a hot part of the hearth, and there laid it. She then spread

                                                                                over it, a thin layer of fine cold ashes,and over that a thick layer of hot ashes, mixed with live burning coals. When the bread had lain long enough, with a shovel

                                                                                the ashes were removed, and it was taken off the hearth. After a little agitation to shake off the ashes, it was wiped with a cloth, much cleaner that those who bake

                                                                                in brick ovens, or cooking stoves could expect. On the 29th January 1789, Hamilton married Louisa Thompson, daughter of Aaron Thompson of North River Onslow.

                                                                                On one occasion Mrs. Hamilton was six months in Brookfield without seeing the face of another woman, save her own, and that reflected by a pool of pure spring water….

                                                                                When any settler left his hut for any length of time, he invariably set a trap in the fireplace and was sure to find a martin in it on his return……..

`                                                                               Brookfield, in common with some other parts of the province, was visited by a tremendous freshet on the 8th day of September 1792. There have been several heavy

                                                                                ones since. It is generally admitted by the most aged inhabitants that none has done the country so much injury as the one that deluged the land at that time. During

                                                                                its progress, Hamilton was rather amused at his and Downing's grain being swept away. Downing remarked that, when the last sheaf went, he would not laugh. They

                                                                                exerted themselves to save what they could, but the waters rapidly increased, till the grain on higher lands, and further from the brook were carried away, and not a

                                                                                solitary sheaf remained. After the freshet, Hamilton found other amusement in which Downing took part. It was in reaping the unmown grain, much embedded with sand.

                                                                                 In doing so they destroyed all their sickels. This year Downing and Archibald left…..

                                                                                In the year 1792 the Brookfield settlers, in conjunction with the people of Truro, experienced much annoyance in the location of the portion of the great

                                                                                Pictou Road then opened, and leading through both places. Before the road was established there were two bridle paths or blazed tracks, one the present road

                                                                                leading from Lower Village beyond Brookfield, the other, that from Truro called Young's Road, meeting the first at a place known as "Tuckers Clearing".One of these

                                                                                tracks was to be opened at the public expense, and to form part of the Pictou Road. Government left it to the Truro, Brookfield and Lower Village people to determine

                                                                                which should have the preference. The Lower Villagers, headed by old Lieut. Johnson, insisted on the former being established, whilst the Truro and Brookfield people

                                                                                were strongly in favor of the latter route. It was finally settled among them by abet of five gallons of rum that a Truro man would walk the line his people wanted in less

                                                                                time, than the Lower Villagers could find a man to walk over that of their choice. If it proved contrary to the expectations of the Truro people, they lost the rum, and the

                                                                                road they desired; if otherwise, they were to have both. The day and time of starting for the walking match was settled (Long) John Archibald was chosen for the Truro

                                                                                 route, and William Johnson for that of the Lower Village. At the time appointed both started. The Lower Villagers had a horse concealed on the track for their man to

                                                                                ride, which he used the best part of the way, as fast as the state of the road would admit. The result was that Johnson reached the clearing, and walked about twenty rods

                                                                                into Young Road towards Truro, where he met Archibald. The Lower Village route was therefore confirmed, though of late years it has been abandoned. It is now known

                                                                                as the Old Halifax Road. The manner in which it was obtained was kept a profound secret by the parties interested for six or seven years afterwards. Parson Waddell on

                                                                                being made acquainted with the circumstance in Brookfield remarked he did not hesitate to say, it was the most scandalous transaction he had ever heard of……

                                                                                The name of Brookfield was not a settled fact till 1802. That year ,Dr. John Harris of Truro had occasion to attend some of its inhabitants very bad with smallpox. He

                                                                                addressed a letter with medicine to John Hamilton, Brookfield, in which he said, "1 have heard your village spoken of as Brookfield. It must be known by some name,

                                                                                so I have addressed my letter to Brookfield". The name was given by Hamilton and Moore, first settlers, from a brook running through their meadow. Mr. Archibald

                                                                                Hamilton of Brookfield is the youngest son of the former. His father died January 20, 1838. His was buried in the village graveyard, and was the first interment at whose

                                                                                grave, a headstone was erected.”


                                                                                                                -Last Will and Testament of William Hamilton.-

In the name of God Amen ~
I William Hamilton of Brookfield, District of Colchester County of
Halifax and Province of Novascotia, Farmer being frail of body but sound of mind and memory thanks be given unto God for all his mercies calling unto mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament, that is to say, Principally and first of all I give and recommend my Soul into the hand of Almighty God that gave it me and my body I recommend to the Earth to be buried in a decent Christian burial at the discretion of my Executors nothing doubting but at the general Ressurection I shall receive the same again by the almighty power of God ~ and as touching such worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this life I give Demise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form VIZ ~
First. I give and bequeath unto my beloved spouse Louisa along with the one third of the Farm which the law allows her during her life time, my old mare and sucking colt together with a side saddle and bridle which she now owns, also two cows and a gound heifer likewise whatever spanish Dollars which may be in my possession at my decease, six sheep and all my swine with the whole of the House hold furniture to be wholly at her disposal as also the benefit of the orchard during her natural life time ~ also my Waggon and all the tackling thereunto belonging ~ and provided that I should deem it expedient to sell the aforesaid Mare and Colt, then I allow her my aforesaid wife the young Gray horse ~
Secondly ~ I give and demise to my three youngest sons Robert, William and Archibald Hamilton their Heirs and assigns for ever the following pieces or parcels of alnd which I now own in the Township of Truro situate at Brookfield ~ VIZ. Lots No. one hundred and thirty six, one hundred and thirty seven one hundred and thirty eight and one hundred and forty nine and apart of lot No. one hundred and fifty one all under letter B. in the second division or back lands of Truro aforesaid, reference being had to the plan as said Township, subject mevertheless to the Widows Dower, subject also to Charges and Legacies execpting also that any payments being made unto the heirs or their order or any book accounts or notes of hand these said payments or accounts are to be deducted out of the installments going unto the withing named heirs the lands to be divided as follows VIZ My son Robert to have the East Beginning at the S.East corner of Lot No. one hundred and thrity six, thence west along the town line thirty nine rods and six links to a corner made by Mr. Miller thence North to the first Po. of line thence West one Rod thence north to the northend of Lot No. one hundred and thirty Eight, thence Eeast to the North East Corner of laid lot thence south to the place of beginning ~ Unto my son William I bequeath the middle share ofsaid lots beginning at the corner of Roberts on the township line; thence West along said line Forty rods adn Six links, thence North unto the present road thence along said road until it strikes the upland, thence along said upland until the spring bridge leaving full access to the Spring, thence North to the orchard fence thence N.East along said fence unto the opening of the rowes of apple trees unto a stake thence Westerly unto the road to a stake adn stones thence Northerly along the line run by Mr. Miller to the first Bass line, thence west a long said line to the distance of Forty rods and six links from Robert line, thence North to the North end of Lot No. one hundred and thirty eight thence Eeast to Robert's line, thence South along said line to the place of beginning the orchard during his Mother's life excepted, he being hereby obliged to give his brother Robert a good and sufficient tittle to half the land I formerly deeded to him according to estimation or land to the value thereof to be kaken off this last described lot to said William, also unto Archivald I bequeath the West side of aforesaid lots Beginning at the Townline at William's corner one Rod east from the corner set by Mr. Miller thence West along said line to the South West corner of lot 136 thence North along the line of said Lot unto land I bought from William Carter, thence West along the line of land until South of the Mouth of Plane Cove thence North to the Mouth of said Cove thence down the meadow Brook until it strikes the upland thence east until it crosses the Road thence along said Road until it strikes the line of Lot No. 136 thence North along said line unto the North West corner of Lot No. 138. thence Eeast along the line of said to Williams line thence South following the course of said line to the place of beginning ~ Also I bequeath unto my sons Robert, William and Archibald Lot No. 149 to be divided equally between them from Eeast to West in three equal parts on to each of them Robert to have the North end William the Middle and Archibald to South the South. Said sons are hereby obliged to keep their Mothers, her third well fenced, also they are obliged to allow her the house that she now occupies together with the barn and supply her with fuel for the fire and have it cut up ready to burn for ther all to continue during her Widow-hood; Also I bequeath unto my daughter Agnes Soley wife of Samuel Soley her heirs and assigns for ever that piece or parcel of land which I got from Samuel Soley being part of Lot No. 3 in Down Village Truro reference being had to the deed I got from Soley, and as touching my personal property I give and bequeath the same int he following manner and form, first I allow my books to be divided equally among them all my Children that are alive at my decease. Secondly I bequeath to my son Aaron the sum of Ten pounds to be paid unto him by my executors ~ unto my daughter Sarah the sum of Twenty pounds, unto Loisa my youngest daughter the sum of Twenty pounds ~ and unto my Grand Daughter Loisa Conley a young cow if she arrives at age of 18 years. Also what notes of hand that I hold in my possission, belonging to any of the Legatees, said notes are to be considered as the first payments going from my Sons to them, as their legacies herein mentioned as also any book accounts in like manner ~ Also it is my disire that as for assets may be in my executors hand, my funeral expences and Legacies and debts to be paid by them ~ Also I Will and allow my son Archibald to pay
10 more that the other mentioned Robert and William towards the Legacies mentioned within and it is to be understood that said Archibald is not to pay said 10 to the executors for the term of Two years after my decease adn then to be paid in Cattle, Sheep or grain at cash price ~ Also if my personal property should not be sufficient to pay the Legacies the balance that should remain is to be paid equally by my sons Robert, William and Archibald in two years after my decease to be paid in Cattle or grain at cash price, each to pay an equal share, only that Archibald pay aforesaid Ten pounds extra nore that Robert Hamilton and William ~ Also it is to be understood that I have retained a Lot of Land No. 93 not Willed away by me as yet; if I should not dispose of it before my decease ~ I allow my executors to sell said Lot to the best advantage and to use towards paying rxpenses adn Legacies; Also it is my desire that my executors shall not be obliged to ay anymore than what they actually have in their hands, to the Legatces for the term of two years except expenses ! Also I do hereby utterly dis-allow revoke and disannul all and every other former Testaments. Wills, Legacies Bequests adn Executors by me in any wise before named Willed or bequesthed. Ratifying and confirming this and not other to be my last Will and Testament ~
In Witness whereof I have here unto set my hand and seal this 7th day of August A.D. 1835.

Signed sealed published pronounced and
declared by me William Hamilton as my WILLIAM HAMILTON
last Will and Testament in my presence and
in the presence of each other hereunto
subscribing our names - Witness present

[Book B - page 160; Colchester Probate]


He married Louisa Thomson, daughter of Aaron Thomson, Jan 29, 1789. Born 1767 in Onslow, Nova Scotia. Died Dec 19, 1846 in Brookfield, Nova Scotia




i.         Sarah Hamilton, b. Apr14,1791in Brookfield, Col, NS, Can

ii.        Agnes Hamilton, b. July 07,1793 in Brookfield, Col, NS, Can

iii.      Aaron Hamilton b. Jan 20,1796 in Brookfield, Col, NS, Can

iv.      Elizabeth Hamilton, b. May 24,1798 in Brookfield, Col, NS, Can

v.        Robert Hamilton, b. Apr30,1800 in Brookfield, Col, NS, Can

vi.      William Hamilton, b. Nov 17,1803 in Brookfield, Col, NS, Can

vii.     Louisa Hamilton, b. Jul 20,1806 in Brookfield, Col, NS, Can

viii.   Archibald Hamilton, b. Feb 17,1810 in Brookfield, Col, NS, Can

He married Ruth Stevens they had children Maria, Esther, Alfred, Rhoda, David, Minerva, Harriet, Theresa, Sophia, and William Augustus Hamilton. William Augustus Hamilton married #1 Mary Ann Yuill and #2 Georgietta Carter daughter of George Carter and Emeline Hamilton. William (Gus) Hamilton was first cousin Emeline Hamilton Carter Georgietta’s mother.

 See Carter File for Carter information.





Third Generation


3.      William Hamilton, (2.William2, 1.John1) born Nov 17, 1803 in Brookfield, NS, died Nov 12, 1887. He has been referred to through out the family as “Queer Bill”.  I think he divorced Emily

          about 1936 and did not accept her as his own child .It appears from the information below William remarried when he was 62 and continued having children until he was 70. We have to

                presume his second wife was considerably younger than him.


                                                                                -Last Will and Testament -

This is the Last Will and Testament of me William Hamilton of Brookfield in the County of Colchester, farmer -
Touching the worldly estate with which I have been blessed in this life I give devise and bequeath and finally dispose of the same in the following manner and form.
First I will and bequeath to my beloved wife Mary Susan Hamilton all my stock money debts household furniture and all other personal property of which I may died disposed for her own use and to be at her own disposal -
Item I will divise and bequeath to my eldest son Benjamin Franklyn Hamilton one half of all my home-stead farm at Brookfield aforesaid and now in my possession consisting of lots number one hundred and thirty six, one hundred and thirty seven, one hundred and thirty eight and one hundred and forty nine (136, 137, 138, 149) my said son Benjamin Franklyn Hamilton to have and take the Eastern one half of said these first mentioned lots and the north half of said lot No. 149 - said four lots to be equally divided - The said three first mentioned lots to be divided North and South and the said last mentioned lot East and West, running a right of way for a cart and team to pass and to pass across the said lots both upon the upland and intervale to the half of said lots together with all and singular the buildings improvements and appurtenances to said several demised lots belonging or appertaining to hold to him the said Benjamin Franklyn Hamilton his heirs and assigns forever subject however to the right of way before mentioned and also subject to the payment of a legacy of eighty Dollars to my daughter Annie Isabel Hamilton herein after mentioned and which said sum of Eight Dollars I do hereby make chargeable upon said lands and premeises hereby demised to my said son Benjamin Franklyn Hamilton -
Item I will and bequeath to my son Henry Josephus Hamilton the remaining one half of my said Homestead Farm situate at Brookfield being the Western one half of said lots no's 136, 137 and 138, and the south half of lot No. 149 with a right of way across the lots of upland and Intervale demised to my son Benjamin F. Hamilton to the same as may be required for the proper use and enjoyment of said lands hereby devised to my said son Henry Josephus Hamilton together with all the ways easements commodities and appurtenances to the same belonging To Have and To Hold the said lots of land and premises with the appurtenances unto the said Henry Josephus Hamilton his heirs and assigns forever subject to the payment of a legacy of eighty Dollars to my daughter Elizabeth Florence Hamilton hereinafter mentioned and which said sum of Eighty Dollars I do hereby make chargeable upon the said lands hereby devised to my said son Henry Josephus Hamilton.
Item I devise will and bequeath unto my son David Holmes Muir Hamilton those lots of land in Brookfield known as Lots No's ninety and ninety one (90 and 91) being in the Township of Truro to have to him and his heirs forever -
Item I will and bequeath to my daughter Annie Isabell Hamilton the sum of eighty Dollars to be paid to her by my said son Benjamin F. Hamilton within four years after attains the age of twenty-one years -
Item I will and bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth Florence Hamilton the sum of eighty Dollars to be paid to her by my said son Henry Josephus Hamilton within four years after he obtains the age of twenty-one years. I do hereby further will and direct that in case that either of my said sons Benjamin F. Hamilton and Henry j. Hamilton or David H.M. Hamilton should die before they atain full age and without lawfull issue that the surviving sons or son shall receive take and hold the lands and premises demised to them or his said deceased brothers in fee simple subject to the payment of any of the said legacies on such lands made chargeable - I do also further Will and direct that if either of my said daughter die under age and without issue that in such case and under such circumstances the legacy of such deceased daughter shall be divided and paid to said deceased daughter's or sisters in manner and form and by the persons hereinbefore mentioned and required to pay the same.
And I do hereby nominate and appoint Daniel Moor of Brookfield aforesaid farmer and my dear wife Mary Susan Hamilton to be the Executor and Executrix of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking any other or former Will Codicil or Testamentary appointment by me at any time heretofore made -
In Testimony Whereof I have hereto my hand and seal set and subscribed hereto this third day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy eight.
Signed by the said Testator as his last
Will and Testament in the presence of
us present at the same time who at his WILLIAM HAMILTON
request in his presence and in the presence
of each other have subscribed our names
as Witnesses.

[Book D; page 221 - Colchester Probate]


                                                                                    He married #1 Martha Presley June 01, 1834



                                                                                                1.             i. Emeline Hamilton born 29 MAY 1835 in Truro, Col, NS, Can


He married #2 Mary Susan Irwin McShanick March 28, 1865 daughter of William Irwin and Margaret Johnstone, Mary had a previous marriage to Duncan McShanick,

                                                                                                She also had a child before marriage to Mr. McShanick Harriet J.B. unknown.



ii Annie Isabell Hamilton born Mar 17, 1866

iii Benjamin F.. Hamilton born July 24, 1867

iv Henry J. Hamilton born Apr19, 1869

v. David H. Hamilton Born May 13, 1873



                                                For Continued Descendants of Emeline Hamilton See Carter Family Files




