



The below information on Prior taken from “ The Scott Genealogy” by Mary Lovering Holman.





JAMES PRIOR- Hannah Prior Scott Ancestors



JAMES PRIOR resided in Boston, Mass., in 1681, where he had three children born by wife Susanna. He probably died between 1687 and 1690, for on 18 Feb. 1690, Robert Watson married SUSANNA PRIOR in Boston and the only available Susanna is the wife of James Prior. What became of Robert and his wife Susanna is not shown by the Boston Records. It is interesting to note that both Prior and Watson are early Plymouth County names and that branches of the families went to Windsor, Conn. The name of Prior does not appear in the early probate or land records of Suffolk County.


Children born in Boston, Mass.:


i. JAMES, b. I Jan. 1681.

ii. ANN, b. I3 Jan. 1684

iii. HANNAH, b. 1 Sept. 1687; m. JOSEPH SCOTT.


HANNAH  PRIOR (James 1). born in Boston. Mass., 1 Sept. 1687, died probably in Sturbridge. Mass.; married in Roxbury. 17 May 1708. JOSEPH SCOTT.




See Scott Family for continued Descendants.





