


                Sir White Beckonshaw (Becomsawe)-Esther Pitt Whippey Scott Ancestors





Sir White Beckonshaw 11TH GREAT GRANDFATHER TO ME. Some of the Information on this branch of the Family came from Other info came from various places on the web.



       He married Edith Bond.  Edith: The Bonds came from the Isle of Purbeck, Dorset.



                2.          i        Lady Alice Beckonshaw.


Second Generation


2.                    Lady Alice Beckonshaw, (1.Sir1) 10thGreat grandmother to me.


                                                                                                                                        Moyles Court

                                                                                                Moyles Court Family Home of Alice Beckonshaw Lisle

Moyles Court, the ancestral home of Lady Alice, today  houses a school. Her trial and it's subsequent reversal have been a well documented part of English history Moyles Court was the home of Lady Alice Lisle before she married Lord Lisle, and the home to which she returned after the assassination of her husband in Switzerland in 1664.  She lived there until her arrest, on a charge of harbouring fugitives from the Monmouth Rebellion in 1685. Formerly much larger than the present building, probably surrounded by a moat, traces of which still exist on two sides, whilst a brook ran near to the house and gave an ample supply of water in case of siege.

Moyles Court is mentioned in the doomsday book of 1086 as held Cola the Huntsman but it's not until 1614 that Alicia Lisle nee Beconsawe was born and our little history begins.

In 1630, Alicia married John Lisle of Wooton, Isle of Wight and joined two eminent families. Her fathers, Sir William White Beconsawe and John Lisle's an army Colonel, Judiciary and assessor to Bradshaw at the trial of Charles I. He was also a staunch Parliamentarian during the English Civil War (1642-1646) and was later made a Viscount by Oliver Cromwell. He was also involved in the trial and subsequent execution of Charles I.

The death of Oliver Cromwell (1658) and the restoration of the monarchy (1660), saw problems for John and he fled to Switzerland to avoid the wrath of the Cavalier Parliament. He was eventually murdered in Lausanne in 1664 for his involvement in the kings death.

After the death of Charles II (1685) James II succeeded to the Crown but as most successions were, this was disputed by James, Duke of Monmouth           Preparations were made and eventually Monmouth landed at Lyme Regis,Dorset in June 1685. His ill-equipped and trained army met the Royal Army at Sedgemoor, Somerset where it was routed. Monmouth fled the field and was captured at Ringwood, subsequently being beheaded in London. Monmouth's followers were rounded up and the notorious Judge Jefferies toured the West Country condeming 1300 souls to death or deportation.

John Hickes, to escape this revenge, sought shelter from Alicia after fleeing the battle of Sedgemoor. Although Alicia knew Hickes was wanted she thought this was for religious dissent not treason! Hickes was discovered hiding in the malthouse by Colonel Penruddock and after trial, hung drawn and quartered.

At Winchester, Alicia was charged with the treason of harbouring the Kings enemies. Three times the jury found her innocent and three times Judge Jeffries refused to accept the verdict. After much coercion, and probably in fear for their own lives, the jury found her guilty and she was sentenced to be burnt at the stake. After the intercession of the Clergy of Winchester, James II commuted the sentence to beheading and Alicia was put to the sword on 2nd September 1685 in Ringwood Market Square.


There has also been some interest in the "haunting" by Lady Alice of Moyles Court.

"The sound of her silken dress, and the tapping of her feet, were heard long afterwards in the corridors of Moyles Court, and she was also seen on several occasions riding down Ellingham Lane in a driverless coach.

Although Lady Lisle has not been observed in recent years at Moyles Court, the sound of the coach and horses has been heard in recent times, riding up the drive to the house. Lady Lisle also haunts the Eclipse Inn, at Winchester, where she spent the last few days of her life whilst awaiting execution."  




St Mary's Church, Ellingham, where Lady Alice Lisle buried.


                                                Moyles Courta



Known as "Adelingham" in the eleventh century, Ellingham is just to the North of Ringwood.  The tomb of Dame Alice Lisle can be found in the Thirteenth Century church.  It is thought that there was an earlier, probably Saxon, church on the site.  Dame Alice Lisle lived in the Elizabethan house of Moyles Court, also in the Parish, and was one of the victims of the infamous Judge Jeffreys.  Charged with harbouring fugitives from the battle of Sedgemoor, and convicted on very flimsy evidence, she was executed in 1685. 

Moyles Court is now used as a school, and the Eighteenth Century building  which has become "The Alice Lisle Inn" was formerly the village school for Rockford.

The villages of Harbridge and Harbridge Green are situated West of the river, and to the South lies Somerly Park, home of the Earls of Normanton.  The mansion was built in 1792-5, to the designs of Samuel Wyatt, and was extensively remodelled in 1868, the picture gallery contains several paintings by Joshua Reynolds. The village of Ibsley lies to the East of the Avon on the main road between Ringwood and Fordingbridge, and has some picturesque thatched cottages. The church dates from 1832 and contains an interesting memorial to Sir John Constable with his wife and five children.







      A brief history of Moyles Court

      by Paul Hughes

Alice of Moyles Court fame was born about 1614. Since records of births at Ellingham Parish are only extant from the end of the 17th century it is difficult to be exact.

      Her marriage to John Lisle in 1630 brought two eminent families of the gentry together.

John Lisle (1610-1664) was the son of William Lisle of Wooton. John was a Colonel in the Army,a prominent parliamentarian,Judiciary and an Assessor to Bradshaw at the trial of Charles I  He was MP

for Winchester in 1640 and a member of the bar - the middle temple. He was a rigid puritan and a

fervent politician. He was an active supporter of Parliament during the English Civil War (1642-1646) and was later made a Viscount by Oliver Cromwell. He appears to have been a prominent member of the Commonwealth serving on Cromwell's Privy Council. He was a member of the Long Parliament and had some responsibility for the execution of Charles I although his name does not appear on the list of signatures on Charles' death warrant.


The English Civil War was devastating for the people of England. There was a division of support throughout the country. Those who supported the King, Charles Stuart, were known as Royalists or Cavaliers and those who pposed the King were known as Parliamentarians or Roundheads. This conflict between Crown and Parliament permeated throughout the land, divided regions, North from South, West from East, father from son, mother relatives, neighbours and friends on good terms before the war were now

enemies. The argument usually revolved around loyalty to one's King or to one's God. Politics and Religion became entwined and were for many historians the real cause of the outbreak of the war. I do not wish to discuss this theme any further since there is a wealth of information from this period of history. My intention for mentioning the conflict is simply this; the Lisle household also became a divided one. The father was for Parliament whilst the son was for the King. This put Alicia in the middle

of a very awkward situation. She was not interested in or involved in politics. She was a religious woman but not a fanatical Puritan, disliking many rituals at her own church in Ellingham. As for Alicia, her sentiments about the execution of Charles I are made clear by her comment that she 'shed more tears for Charles I than any woman then living did'. Lady Lisle did not share the extreme views of her husband, and was much grieved at the King's death.  It would appear that Lady Lisle did not grieve too deeply over her husband's death. According to Burnett, quoted in the Salisbury Journal, 'She was not easily reconciled to her husband on account of his association with the regicides.' After her husband's death she lived quietly as a widow at Moyles Court and showed some sympathy with the dissenting ministers in their trials and ordeals during Charles II's reign.


The Presbyterians were disappointed with the Restoration. The Cavalier Parliament preserved the Church of England for which Charles I had died.Moreover, the Clarendon Code persecuted nonconformist ministers, forbidding them from all public office. The Act of Uniformity 1662 authorized a new edition of the prayer book and many Puritan teachers were dismissed from office for refusing to use it. The Conventicle Act was introduced making it a crime to worship anywhere but in a Church of England church. Furthermore, the Five Mile Act stopped nonconformist clergy living within a five mile radius of a town or old parish. The reign of Charles II, far from being merry, was an unhappy time for many sincere Christians like Alicia Lisle. Charles II was married to Catherine Braganza of Portugal. She did not bear him any children and as a result, James his Catholic brother was due to succeed him. There was support for Charles's illegitimate son, James, Duke of Monmouth, to become King instead of James. The Duke's mother, Lucy Walter, had been one of Charles's mistresses. After the death of Charles in 1685 and the succession of James to the throne, the Duke of Monmouth, who was in Holland, plotted to overthrow James II. Alicia Lisle spent the first week of July in London during the Monmouth rebellion, but some days later returned to Moyles Court. 'On 20th July 1685 she received a letter from John Hickes, the dissenting minister,asking her to shelter him.' Hickes had fled the battle of Sedgemoor seeking refuge from the King's Army. Unbeknown to Alicia, he was a  Monmouth man!The two fugitives were found after a search of Moyles Court by Penruddock's soldiers. Hickes was found in the malthouse and Nelthorp in a hole by the chimney in one of the rooms which presumably is the cupboard hole situated in the present staff room at Moyles Court School. Lady

      Alicia was arrested and conveyed to Winchester for trial before Judge Jeffries. Hickes and Nelthorp were taken to Glastonbury and after trial

      were hung, drawn and quartered.On 27 August 1685 she was tried by special commission before Judge Jeffreys at Winchester, on the capital charge of harbouring Hickes, a

traitor. No evidence respecting Hickes's offences was admitted, and in spite of the brutal browbeating by the judge of chief witness, Dunne, no proof was adduced wither      that Mrs. Lisle had any ground to suspect Hickes of disloyalty or that she had displayed any sympathy with Monmouth's insurrection. She made a moderate speech in her own defence. The jury declared themselves reluctant to convict her, but Jeffreys overruled their scruples, and she was ultimately found guilty, and on the morning of the

next day (28 Aug) was sentenced to be burnt alive the same afternoon. Pressure was, however, applied to the judge, and a respite till 2 Sept. was ordered. Lady Lisle petitioned James II (31 Aug) to grant her a further reprieve of four days, and to order the substitution of beheading for burning. The first request was refused; the latter was granted. Mrs. Lisle was accordingly beheaded in the market-place of Winchester on 2 Sept., and her body was given up to her friends for burial at Ellingham.

      On the scaffold she gave a paper to the sheriffs denying her guilt, and it was printed, with the "Last Words of Colonel Rumbold," 1685, and in "The

      Dying Speeches...of several Persons.


The Last Speech of Madam LISLE, beheaded at Winchester, September 1685

Gentlemen, Friends and Neighbours,


It may be expected that I should say something at my Death, my Birth and

Education being near this Place ; my Parents instructed me in the Fear of God ;

and I now die of the reformed Religion ; always being instructed in that Belief

that if Popery should return into this Nation, it would be a great Judgement. I

die in Expectation of Pardon of my Sins, and Acceptation with the Father, by the

imputed Righteousness of Jesus Christ : He being the End of the Law for

Righteousness to every one that believeth. I thank God, thro' Christ Jesus, I

depart under the Blood of Sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of

Abel ; God having made this Chastisement an Ordinance to my Soul. I did as

little expect to come to this Place on this occasion, as any person in this

Nation ; therefore let all learn not to be high-minded, but fear. The Lord is a

Sovereign, and will take what Way he seeth best to glorify himself by his poor

Creatures ; I there for humbly desire to submit to his Will, praying of him,

that in Patience I may possess my Soul.

The crime was, my entertaining a Non-conformist Minister, who is since sworn to

have been in the Duke of Monmouth's army. I am told, if I had not denied them,

it would not have affected me : I have no Excuse but Surprise and Fear ; which I

believe my Jury must make use of to excuse their Verdict to the World. I have

been told, That the Court ought to be Council for the Prisoner : Instead of

Advice, there was Evidence given from thence, which (tho' it was but Hearsay)

might possibly affect my Jury. My Defence was such as might be expected from a

weak Woman ; but such as it was, I never heard it repeated again to the Jury.

But I forgive all persons that have wrong'd me ; and I desire that God will do

so likewise. I forgive Colonel Penruddock, altho' he told me, He could have

taken those Men, before they came to my House.

As to what I expected for my Conviction, that I gave it under my Hand that I

discours'd with Nelthrop ; that could be no Evidence to the Court or Jury, it

being after my Conviction and Sentence.

I acknowledge his Majesty's Favour in revoking my Sentence ; and I pray God he

may long reign in Peace, and that the true Religion may flourish under him.

Two things I have omitted to say, which is, That I forgive him that desir'd to

be taken from the Grand Jury, and put upon the Petty Jury, that he might be the

more nearly concern'd in my Death ; and return humble Thanks to God, and the

reverend Clergy, that assisted me in my Imprisonment.

  Sept 85.





Alice Lisle’s Article in the British

Dictionary of National Biography

Oxford University Press © 1997

Lisle, Alice 1614?-1685

Name: Lisle, Alice

Dates: 1614?-1685

Active Date: 1654

Gender: Female

Field of Interest: Miscellaneous

Occupation: Victim of a judicial murder

Place of

   Death: The market-place of Winchester

   Burial: Ellingham

Spouse: John Lisle

Sources: Howell's State Trials, xi. 298-382; Luttrell's Brief Relation, i...

Contributor: S. L. [SIDNEY LEE]


Lisle, Alice 1614?-1685, victim of a judicial murder, born about 1614, was

daughter and heiress of Sir White Beckenshaw of Moyles Court, Ellingham, near

Ringwood, Hampshire. The registers at Ellingham are not extant at the period of

her birth, about 1614. In 1630 she became the second wife of John Lisle [q.v.].

William Lilly, the astrologer, states in his autobiography (p. 63) that Mrs.

Lisle visited him in 1643 to consult him about the illness of her friend Sir

Bulstrode Whitelocke. A note states that at the date of Charles I's execution

she was reported to have exclaimed that ‘her heart leaped within her to see the

tyrant fall;' but she herself asserted many years later that she ‘shed more

tears' for Charles I ‘than any woman then living did’ (State Trials, xi. 360),

and she claimed to have been at the time on intimate terms with the Countess of

Monmouth, the Countess of Marlborough, and Edward Hyde, afterwards lord

chancellor. She probably shared her husband's fortunes till his death at

Lausanne in 1664. Subsequently she lived quietly at Moyles Court, which she

inherited from her father, and she showed while there some sympathy with the

dissenting ministers in their trials during Charles II's reign. Her husband had

been a member of Cromwell's House of Lords, and she was therefore often spoken

of as Lady or Lady Alice Lisle. At the time of Monmouth's rebellion in the first

week of July 1685 she was in London, but a few days later returned to Moyles

Court. On 20 July she received a message from John Hickes [q.v.], the dissenting

minister, asking her to shelter him. Hickes had taken part in Monmouth's behalf

at the battle of Sedgemoor (6 July) and was flying from justice. But, according

to her own account, Mrs. Lisle merely knew him as a prominent dissenting

minister, and imagined that a warrant was out against him for illegal preaching

or for some offence committed in his ministerial capacity. She readily consented

to receive him, and he arrived at ten o'clock at night, a few days later,

accompanied by the messenger Dunne, and by one Richard Nelthorp [q.v.], another

of Monmouth's supporters, of whom Mrs. Lisle knew nothing. Their arrival was at

once disclosed by a spying villager to Colonel Penruddock, who arrived next day

(26 July) with a troop of soldiers, and arrested Mrs. Lisle and her guests. Mrs.

Lisle gave very confused answers to the colonel, whose father, John Penruddock

[q.v.], a well-known royalist, had been sentenced to death by her husband. On 27

Aug. 1685 she was tried by special commission before Judge Jeffreys at

Winchester, on the capital charge of harbouring Hickes, a traitor. No evidence

respecting Hickes's offences was admitted, and in spite of the brutal

browbeating by the judge of the chief witness, Dunne, no proof was adduced

either that Mrs. Lisle had any ground to suspect Hickes of disloyalty or that

she had displayed any sympathy with Monmouth's insurrection. She made a moderate

speech in her own defence. The jury declared themselves reluctant to convict

her, but Jeffreys overruled their scruples, and she was ultimately found guilty,

and on the morning of the next day (28 Aug.) was sentenced to be burnt alive the

same afternoon. Pressure was, however, applied to the judge, and a respite till

2 Sept. was ordered. Lady Lisle petitioned James II (31 Aug.) to grant her a

further reprieve of four days, and to order the substitution of beheading for

burning. The first request was refused; the latter was granted. Mrs. Lisle was

accordingly beheaded in the market-place of Winchester on 2 Sept., and her body

was given up to her friends for burial at Ellingham. On the scaffold she gave a

paper to the sheriffs denying her guilt, and it was printed, with the ‘Last

Words of Colonel Rumbold,' 1685, and in ‘The Dying Speeches ... of several

Persons,' 1689. The first pamphlet was also published in Dutch. The attainder

was reversed by a private act of parliament in 1689 at the request of Mrs.

Lisle's two married daughters, Triphena Lloyd and Bridget Usher, on the ground

that ‘the verdict was injuriously extorted and procured by the menaces and

violences and other illegal practices’ of Jeffreys. The daughter Triphena Lloyd

married, at a later date, a second husband named Grove, and her daughter became

the wife of Lord James Russell, fifth son of William Russell, first duke of

Bedford. Bridget Lisle also married twice; her first husband being Leonard Hoar

[q.v.], president of Harvard University, and her second Hezekiah Usher of

Boston, Massachusetts; a daughter, Bridget Hoar, married the Rev. Thomas Cotton

(Notes and Queries, 2nd ser. xii. 99, 3rd ser. iv. 159).


Howell's State Trials, xi. 298-382; Luttrell's Brief Relation, i. 357;

Macaulay's Hist. vi. 302-4; C. Bruce's Book of Noble English-women (1875), pp.


Contributor: S. L.








       She married ab 1630. Sir John Lord Lisle, (son of Sir William Lisle of Wooton, Isle of Wight and unknown). Sir :b. 1610 d. Aug 11, 1664.




The Complete Peerage article on John Lord Lisle

(Vol IV, Appx G, p.622)


"JOHN LISLE, Regicide, of Moyles Court. Ellingham, Southants, s. and h. of Sir

William L., of Wooton, Isle of Wight, by Bridget, da. of Sir John Hungerford, of

Down Ampney, co Gloucester; b.1609; matric at Oxford (Magd Hall) 25 Jan 1625/6;

admitted Middle Temple 11 May 1626; called to the Bar 1633; Bencher 9 Feb

1648/9; Gov of Westminster School 26 Sep 1649. MP for Winchester 10 Mar 1639/40;

again, in the Long Parl., 27 Oct 1640, and for Southampton 12 July 1654. He was

a violent anti-royalist, and active promoter of the King's trial, and drafted

the sentence. He was present in Westminster Hall, 27 Jan 1648/9, when the

sentence was pronounced, though he did not sign the death-warrant. Councillor of

State 14 Feb 1648/9, 13 Feb 1649/50, 13 Feb 1650/1, and 24 Nov 1652; member of

the LORD PROTECTOR's Council, with a salary of £1,000 per ann., 16 Dec 1653;

Lord Commissioner of the Great Seal with a further £1,000 per ann., 8 Feb

1648/9, 15 June 1655 and 22 Jan 1658/9; and a member of the High Court of

Justice, in which Sir Henry Slingsby and other royalists were condemned, 21 Nov

1653; President thereof 1654. He was sum. to the OTHER HOUSE, 10 Dec 1657, and

took his seat, as "JOHN LORD LISLE," 20 Jan 1657/8. He was app. Commissioner of

the Navy 28 Jan 1659/60. At the Restoration he was absolutely excepted from the

Act of Indemnity, 29 Aug 1660, and attainted, but fled to Switzerland, where he

was assassinated by Thomas MacDowell, 11 Aug 1664. He m., 27 Oct 1636, at

Ellingham afsd., Alice, 1st da. and coh. of Sir White BECKONSHAW, of Moyles

Court afsd., by Edith 1st da. and coh. of William BOND, of Blackmanston, Dorset.

His widow was tried on a charge of High Treason, sentenced to death by Judge

Jeffreys, 28 Aug and beheaded 2 Sep 1685, in the market-place at Winchester aged





John Lisle's Article in the British

Dictionary of National Biography

Oxford University Press © 1997

Lisle, John 1610?-1664

Name: Lisle, John

Dates: 1610?-1664

Active Date: 1650

Gender: Male

Field of Interest: Anti-establishment

Occupation: Regicide

Place of

   Education: Magdalen Hall, Oxford, Middle Temple

   Death: Lausanne

   Burial: Lausanne, Church of the city

Spouse: A daughter of Sir Henry Hobart, Alice

Sources: Wood's Athenæ Oxon. (Bliss), iii. 665; Wood's Fasti Oxon...


Lisle, John 1610?-1664, regicide, born about 1610, was second son of Sir William

Lisle of Wootton, Isle of Wight, by Bridget, daughter of Sir John Hungerford of

Down Ampney, Gloucestershire (BERRY, County Genealogies, ‘Hampshire,' p. 174).

On 25 Jan. 1625-6 he matriculated as a member of Magdalen Hall, Oxford, and

graduated B.A. in February 1625-6. He was called to the bar from the Middle

Temple in 1633 and became a bencher of his inn in 1649 (FOSTER, Alumni Oxon.

1500-1714, p. 917). He was chosen M.P. for Winchester in March 1639-40, and

again in October 1640. He advocated violent measures on the king's removal to

the north, and obtained some of the plunder arising from the sale of the crown

property. To the fund opened on 9 April 1642 for the ‘speedy reducing of the

rebels’ in Ireland, Lisle contributed 600l. (RUSHWORTH, Hist. Coll. pt. iii.

vol. i. p. 565). On the eviction of Dr. William Lewis (1592-1667) [q.v.] in

November 1644 he was made master of St. Cross Hospital, near Winchester, and

retained the office until June 1649. In 1644-5 he sat on the committee to

investigate the charges preferred by Cromwell against the Earl of Manchester

(Commons' Journals, iv. 25). He displayed his inveterate hostility to Charles in

a speech delivered on 3 July 1645, before the lord mayor and citizens of London,

with reference to the discovery of the king's letters at Naseby. It was printed.

In December 1647, when the king was confined in the Isle of Wight, Lisle was

selected as one of the commissioners to carry to him the four bills which were

to divest him of all sovereignty. He spoke in the House of Commons on 28 Sept.

1648 in favour of rescinding the recent vote, that no one proposition in regard

to the personal treaty with the king should be binding if the treaty broke off

upon another; and again, some days later, urged a discontinuance of the

negotiation with Charles. He took a prominent part in the king's trial. He was

one of the managers, was present every day, and drew up the form of the

sentence. He was appointed on 8 Feb. 1648-9 one of the commissioners of the

great seal, and was placed on the council of state.

Lisle became one of Cromwell's creatures. He not only concurred in December 1653

in nominating Cromwell protector, but administered the oath to him; and having

been reappointed lord commissioner, was elected member in the new parliament, on

12 July 1654, both for Southampton, of which town he was recorder, and for the

Isle of Wight. He selected to sit for Southampton. In June previously he had

been constituted president of the high court of justice, and in August he was

appointed one of the commissioners of the exchequer. established house of peers.

Richard Cromwell preserved him in his place; but when the Long parliament met

again in May 1659, he was compelled to retire. The house, however, named him on

28 Jan. 1660 a commissioner of the admiralty and navy (ib. vii. 825).

When the Restoration was inevitable Lisle escaped to Switzerland establishing

himself first at Vevay and afterwards at Lausanne, where he is said to have

charmed the Swiss by his devotion’ (Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1663-4), and was

treated with much respect and ceremony. There he was shot dead on 11 Aug. 1664,

on his way to church, by an Irishman known as Thomas Macdonnell [see art.

Maccartain, William]. Macdonnell escaped, and Lisle was buried in the church of

the city. His first wife was a daughter of Sir Henry Hobart, chief justice of

the common pleas. His second wife Alice [q.v.] is noticed separately. With other

issue he had two sons, John (d. 1709), of Dibden, Hampshire, and William, who

adhered to the king and married the daughter of Lady Katherine Hyde (ib. 1660-1,

p. 341).



Wood's Athenæ Oxon. (Bliss), iii. 665; Wood's Fasti Oxon. (Bliss), i. 422, 437;

Foss's Judges, vi. 452-5; Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1644-65; Parl. Hist. vol.

iii.; Howell's State Trials, iv. 1053 et seq., v. 875, 886, 908, xi. 297; Hist.

MSS. Comm. Reports v. vi. vii. and viii.; Ludlow's Memoirs.




                3.          i        Alice Lisle b. ab 1628.




Third Generation


3.    Alice Lisle, (2.Lady2, 1.Sir1) born ab 1628, died June 05, 1696 in Concord,Mass.  She was the daughter of Sir John Lord Lisle, President of the High Cour Of Justice, Lord comissioner of the great seal, who drew the indicment and death sentence of King Charles1, He was murdered in Lusanne, Switzerland Aug 11, 1664. Her mother was beheaded by brutal judgement of Jefferies in 1685. The Story of her arrest on a charge of treason for sheltering rebels her condemnation to be burned alive and her execuation by beheading, with all the cruel, gastly details, forms a disgraceful page in English History. Information from


       She married John Hoar, born 1622 in Glouchester, England, (son of Charles Hoar and Joanna Hincksman (Henchman)) died Apr 02, 1704 in Mass.  John: John Hoar was a Lawyer, distinguished for his courage and independance.Lived in Scituate Mass 1643-1655. He settled in about 1660 in Concord Mass. He took great interest in the welfare of the Indians, and built a house on his place for Christian Indians. They at the time of King Philips war were under his care by order of the general court. "Captain Samuel Mosley with 103 men took these Christian Indians(the Nashobahs) away from Mr. Hoars Place, insulted Mr. Hoare and plundered the poor, helpless Indians, of all they had and sent them 58 in number only (12 able bodied men) to Boston under the guard of some 20 rough and brutal soldiers. Afterwards they were sent to Deer Island. He secured the release of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson from the Indians.  On Feb 10, 1676 Mary Rowlandson(wife of the Minister of Lancester) and child were taken prisoners. Efforts were made to secure her release without success. Until Mr. Hoare by the desire of her husband made an attempt. On Apr 28, 1676 he left  Lencester with 2 guides. May 02,1676 with 20 Lbs and some goods and secured her release, Although King Philip refused his consent. It has been said that no other person in the colony could have secured her release.   Note info taken from

                                                                                                See more on John Hoar and Ancestors in Charles Hoar History.




                4.          i        Daniel Hoar b. ab 1651.


Fourth Generation


4.    Daniel Hoar, (3.Alice3, 2.Lady2, 1.Sir1) born ab 1651 in Glouchester, England, died Feb 08, 1743 in Concord, Middlessex, Mass.


       He married Mary Stratton, July 16, 1677, (daughter of Mary Frye and Samuel Stratton).



                5.          i        Leonard Hoar b. 1684.


Fifth Generation


5.    Leonard Hoar, (4.Daniel4, 3.Alice3, 2.Lady2, 1.Sir1) born 1684 in Hadley, Mass, died Apr 1771 in Brimfield, Mass.  Don't have list of children but David and Possibly Esther b. Apr07, 1719. Died at age 86 buried Brimfield Center Cemetery, Brimfield Mass.


       He married Esther Hubbard, Nov 13, 1707 in Brimfield, Mass, born Jan 17, 1685, (daughter of Daniel Hubbard and Esther Rice).



                6.          i        David Hoar b. Feb 23, 1713.


Sixth Generation


6.    David Hoar, (5.Leonard5, 4.Daniel4, 3.Alice3, 2.Lady2, 1.Sir1) born Feb 23, 1713 in Brimfield, Mass, died in Onslow.  David and Abigail had 8 children born between 1743-1760. David, Abigail, Mary, Soloman, Ebenezer, David, Ruth and Prudence.


       He married Abigail Hitchcock, May 17, 1741, born June 01, 1718.



                7.          i        Ruth Hoar b. 1756.


Seventh Generation


7.    Ruth Hoar, (6.David6, 5.Leonard5, 4.Daniel4, 3.Alice3, 2.Lady2, 1.Sir1) born 1756, died Dec 08, 1848.  Ruth and William had 9 children Allen, Esther Pitt, Agnes Pitt, William, David, Abigail, Stephen, Samuel, Bethsheba.Ruth had 2 children to second husband James b. Sep 22, 1794 and Hiram Jan 22, 1800. She would have been 46 by the time her last child born.


       She married (1) William Pitt Whippie, Apr 01, 1773 in Truro, NS, died Jan 24, 1791.



                8.          i        Esther Pitt Whippey(or Whippie) b. Nov 19,1774.


       She married (2) William Downing, Dec 26, 1793, born in Ireland.


Eighth Generation


8.    Esther Pitt Whippey(or Whippie), (7.Ruth7, 6.David6, 5.Leonard5, 4.Daniel4, 3.Alice3, 2.Lady2, 1.Sir1) born Nov 19,1774 in Onslow, NS.  Esthers maternal  lineage can be traced,.


                She married William Scott, May 23,1793 in Onslow, NS, born 1769, (son of Ephriam Scott and Elizabeth Tackles) died in Musquodoboit, NS.


See Scott Family for continued Descendants