

                                                                        Part of the Family History James Miles of England, Bonavista, NL, and Beyond.

                                                                                    Information compiled by Sandra Scott Cook 2000-2004


                                                              Demetri Verenca


We know nothing about this family before they came to Canada. Unfortunately until some more information

 is available online or someone can take a trip to Corovia. We may never learn much more.                                                                                  

From speaking to mom I have learned that they belonged to the Orthodox Church before coming to Canada. So those records would be a place to start.

                                                            Below are name changes from the names we have on certificates.

                                                                                Chernauti               48d18' 25d56'    Cernauti,Chernovits,Chernovitsy,Chernovtsy,Czerniowce,Czernowitz,Tschernowitz,Chernivtsi

                                  Corovia    48d14'25d58' Korovya,Koroviya
                                   Map of Bukowina Province 1910, Czernowitz and Corovia in Blue.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Romanian Flag         Ukrainian Flag




1.                    Demetri Verenca.  Notes to anyone who would like to search further. The part of Romania that our family was from was village of Corovia, in Town Cernauti,

Province of Bukovina in Romania. Present day spellings village of Koroviya or Korovya, City of Chernivitsi (also other spellings) northern Bukivina in Ukraine. The place they were from is now part of Ukraine.


                                                He married Trina Creocheja.  Trina: The spelling of this last name is questionable. I would say from one of the documents a squiggle line is over the second e and a house shape is over the last a.



                                                                2.             i               Alexander Verenca (Werenka) b. Feb 23,1887.

                                                                                ii              Marie Verenca.

                                                                                iii             Elizabeth Verenca.

                                                                                iv             Anastasia Verenca.



                                  Second Generation


2.        Alexander  Verenca (Werenka), (1.Demetri1) born Feb 23,1887 in Corovia, Romania, baptized Feb 24, 1887 Corovia died August15, 1940 in at home Halifax, NS.

He is buried with his wife at Gate of Heaven Cemetery, Lower Sackville NS. Came to Halifax about 1921. Note the name change from Verenca to Werenka.

His Parents were Demetri Verenca and Trina Creocheja. He also had three sisters Marie, Elizabeth and Anastasia. I have no idea if any of Demetri’s sisters came to America or not.

Have found some information that he had come to America as early as 1913. He was possibly living in Detroit until 1920. At which time he made a trip back to Romania.

He arrived back to the US traveling from Boulogne, Pas-de-Calais, France on the ship the Nieuw Amsterdam. The ship arrived at Ellis Island Sept 07, 1920.

At the time he was 32yrs old and married. He was 5’5” and had brown eyes.



                                                        Alexander’s Birth Certificate                                                     Alexander’s Passport Photo


                                                image013image015 Nieu Amsterdam



                                                Nieu Amsterdam built by Harlan& Wolf Limited, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 1906. 16,967 gross tons: 615 (bp) feet long: 68 feet wide. Steam Quadruple expansion engines, twin screw.

                                                Service speed 16 knots. 2886 passengers (440 first class, 246 second class,2,200 third class)Built for Holland-American line, Dutch Flag, in 1906 and named Nieu Amsterdam. Rotterdam-

                                                New York service. Last major liner to be fitter with Auxiliary sails. Broken up in Japan in 1932.

                                                                Ellis Island Record

                                                                First Name: Alexander

                                                                Last Name: Verenca

                                                                Ethnicity: Rumanian, Roumanian

                                                                Last Pace of Residence: Detroit, USA

                                                                Date of Arrival: Sep 07, 1920

                                                                Age at Arrival: 32y Gender: M Marital Status: M

                                                                Ship of Travel: Nieuw Amsterdam

                                                                Port of Departure: Boulogne-Sur-Mer

                                                                Manifest line Number: 0015




                                                                                                Peter Vera and Alexander in front of Alexander’s Grocery


                                                                Alexander Werenka and Daughter Veronica                                                                    Paulina, Veronica, Peter and Alexander Werenka  ab 1936-38









                                                             He married Paulina Chiperi, Nov 13, 1911 in Corovia, Cernauti, Romania, born Sep 23, 1890 in Corovia, Romania, (daughter of Vasile Chiperi and Zanzia Hudima)

                                                             died Nov 05, 1956 in Halifax, NS. She is buried with Alexander at Gate of Heaven Cemetery Lower Sackville, NS.  Paulina: Pauline came to Halifax in 1921 from Romania with 2

                                                             of her 3 children. She was proprietor of Alexander's Grocery in Halifax and was affectionately known as 'Ma". Information from Nanny's passport indicated she may have left

                                                             Romania with her two children Veronica and Georgi April 22, 1921. The last Stamp shows landed as Trans....? under bond. May 14, 1921 Imigration Officer DOVER. I assume

                                                             this is Dover England. We understand she arrived in Canada through Quebec possibly sometime June 1921. It is believed that Alexander met his wife and children either in Quebec

                                                             or Halifax. Information: siblings  Demetir Chiperi, Sophia Chiperi, and Floria Chiperi. Below are Microfilm lists from the Government of Canada that I have not ordered yet that

                                                             may contain information of Paulina, Vera, and George.

                                                                Form 30A, 1919-1924 (RG 76 C1j): List of Microfilm Reel Numbers

T-                                                         15224 Vaughan, Nellie to Vidler, William Thomas

                                             Surname groupings: Vaughan, Va, Ve-Veale interfiled, Ve, Vi-Vickers interfiled, Vi, Vidler

                                                                Form 30, 1919-1924(Border Entries)

                                                             T-15338 Venes, Dilon to Wallace, Wylie

                                         Quebec Ports Quebec Microfilm #’s 1865-1921 T-14704 Nov21 1919-May23 1920, T-14705 May 23, 1920- June19,1920 T-14706 June 19 1920- July12,1920

                                                                Maritime Ports PASSENGER LISTS: HALIFAX 1881 - 1922 T-14798 1919 Nov. 28 -1920 May 15 T-14799 1920 May 18-1921 March 25


                                                            Marriage Certificate Alexander and Paulina



                                                                                    Paulina, George and Veronica Werenka passport photo 1921.




image047 image049









                                                                        See Vasile Chiperi for further Information on Paulina’s Ancestors.





                                                                3.             i               Veronica  Werenka b. Feb 03,1909.

                                                                4.             ii              George Patrick Werenka b. July 27,1912.

                                                                                iii             Peter Werenka, born July 06, 1922 in Halifax, NS, baptized July 20,1922 in All Saints Cathedral, Halifax NS, died in Halifax, NS. Died in 1978.

                                                                                                Buried in Gate of Heaven Lower Sackville NS. Peter ran the family grocery and wood lot business after the death of his mother. Peter was unmarried.








                                                                                 Peter Werenka as a young man                                                                                                                            Peter Werenka 1967






                                    Third Generation    



3.        Veronica Verenca (Werenka), (2.Alexander2, 1.Demetri1) born Feb 03,1909 in Romania, died March 01,1966 in Alton, NS, buried in Fort Ellis ,NS


                                                                                Veronica Birth Certificate (Certificate de Botez)                                              



                                                She married Walter Philip Miles, born Sep 02, 1895 in Bonavista, NFLD, (son of William Thomas Miles and Margaret Peters) died April 13, 1968 in Alton, NS.  



                                                                                                                5.             i               Elizabeth Marie Miles

                                                                                                                6.             ii              Walter Philip Miles

                                                                                                                7.             iii             Paulina Veronica Miles                        

                                                                                                                8.             iv             Robert Alexander Miles

                                                                                                                                v              William George Miles,  William (Billy) George Miles unmarried and living Western Canada 2002.

                                                                                                                9.             vi             Sophie Ann Miles


                                   See Miles Family for continued Descendants:


                                                             4. George Patrick Werenka, (2.Alexander2, 1.Demetri1) born July 27,1912 in Corovia, Romania, baptized July 29,1912 in Corovia, Romania, died Sept, 05,1988 in Truro, NS,

                                                                                                      buried in East Stewiacke, NS. George was 76 years old.                 


                                                              I had asked George to go to Halifax with me and show me where the family lived when they arrived from “the old country.” Summer 1988 George said “if we are going

                                                             it better be soon".  George was not well by then. We started our journey down memory lane shortly after.

                                                             We began with a stop at their first home Canada, 14 Creighton Street. George recalled his father, Alexander, met them at the train. I don’t know if that was in Halifax or Quebec.

                                                             Mum, Vera, had told me they arrived in Quebec. They most likely journeyed from Quebec to Halifax by train and Alexander met them there .While living at 14, now 2043

                                                             Creighton there, they had a third child, Peter, born July 6, 1922.At this time Alexander was working for Bens Bakery and Nanny, Paulina, was working for Jewish families,

                                                              cooking.Their next home was on Cornwallis Street, about mid block just up from Creighton on the right, going away from the harbour. An apartment building stands there now.

                                                               After that they moved to 2378 Creighton Street at the corner of Gerrish and Creighton, in a downstairs flat. While living on Creighton Street they ran a bakery .

                                                             George and Vera delivered the bread, she on a bicycle and he with a little wagon. In order to help the family they both had to stop school when they were in grade five.

                                                              George and Vera went to the Old St. Pats on Brunswick Street. About this time Alexander quit his job at Bens Bakery and went to work for a coal company, I believe

                                                             driving a delivery truck.he next move took them to Allen Street in 1924 where they rented from Wilson Snow Undertakers. George had a pet rabbit; it disappeared, and then

                                                              reappeared in the stew pot.In 1926 they moved to 6319 Yukon Street, I believe they owned this house and rented the upstairs .The next venture was building a house next

                                                             door to 6319 Yukon in 1926-27.This house they built themselves, their first carpenter they fired, hired another, he was “ cranky”.  This house was built with lumber from

                                                             demolished houses, some free and some purchased. It cost them between $2000.00 and $3000.00. Payments on mortgage $20.00 per month; they were unable to meet

                                                              these payments and lost the house. Alexander was still driving for the coal company at this time.

                                                             While George and I stood talking and looking at these houses I noticed an older man watching us. We drove to 2070 Oxford Street and shortly after this same man came there too.

                                                             He and George conversed for a while. He had a very strong “old country” accent. George told him why we were looking at the houses. I don’t believe they knew each other.

                                                             Another house was built on Oxford, 2073. George told me he and “Old Bill” a man who later worked at the wood yard for Alexander was helping George dig for the sewer

                                                             and they had to blast through the rocks. They used far too much dynamite. Quite a blast!

                                                              Onward and upward, Up Harvard to the corner of Harvard and Chebucto Road. This house at 122 1/2 now 1623 was two stories, the upper rented. The down included a

                                                             store and their living quarters. I remember Mrs. Diamond who rented the upstairs and let out the rooms .In the meantime Alexander started the wood yard on Seaforth Street.

                                                             They bought slab wood, which they sawed and delivered to customers. The business continued after his death. Peter ran this business. Nanny continued to run her store,

                                                              where she was called “ Ma” by many of her customers. I remember when someone complained of her prices she told them to “fly to the hell to the Dominion store and

                                                             buy it there”. She operated the store until her death in 1957. Peter continued on after until his death in 1978. Nanny only closed the store on Easter Sunday. That day

                                                             she rented a limousine taxi. Nanny, Vera and children went to Gate Of Heaven Cemetery to visit grandfather Alexander’s grave .It was about the only time we as children

                                                             got to ride in a car. There were extra pull down seats in the car and there was always a fight among the kids as to who would sit on them. Nanny kept her store open from

                                                             early morning to 11 pm sometimes later, every day. Often someone would come to the back door and ask her to get them something. Bread, milk, whatever. She growled

                                                              but always got it for them. Nanny worked very hard. She was also a very good seamstress, who made most of her clothes. Nanny was stern with us her grandchildren,

                                                              but very good to us. She was, I believe a very successful business woman.George and I finished up by going into the store. It had been changed so much it seemed sad

                                                              to us .We also went next door and had a nice visit with Mrs. Johnny Martin. They were neighbors for many years. We decided to finish off our day by having supper at Hoagies.

                                                             Steak, baked potatoes and scotch: George paid. I think he really enjoyed his day.George went into the hospital shortly after .He passed away September 5, 1988.

                                                            My notes from this day were very sketchy, but for the most part I believe are fairly accurate.

                                                              Written By: Elizabeth Marie Miles Scott Fox Nov 18, 2002 for our family History.



                                                Some of my memories of Uncle George, We spent many a hour playing cribbage with uncle George and Aunt Shirley growing up as a teenager and young adult. I remember the cabbage

                                                he would have in a big crock in the sun porch from which he made cabbage rolls. He always had a garden in the summer; you would always see him working in it. I remember one time

                                                1986 or 1987. I was living in Alton at the time, I looked out the living room window and sunning himself on a bush was a big snake. I totally freaked out. I ran around locking all the doors.

                                                I called Uncle George and asked if he would come up and get the snake. I cannot remember his words however he was having quite a chuckle over this hysterical girl. He came up to the house

                                                 but by the time he came the snake was gone or maybe he chased it away not sure. I know I waited to unlock the door until he said it was gone. I am sure he laughed about that for a long time.

                                                He always enjoyed talking to us.


                                                                BY Sandra




                                                                George Werenka Birth Certificate (Certificat de Botez) This is a photo copy that I colorized

                                                                                to make look old. I believe Aunt Shirley still has the original.



                                                                George Werenka in uniform                                     George as a young man in Halifac                  George Werenka taken a few days before he went into Hospital.





                                                He married Shirley Carol Van Horne, Nov 26, 1946 in Halifax, NS, born Feb, 14, 1923 in Yarmouth, NS, (daughter of Harold William Van Horne and Ruby Dorothy Bethune). Aunt Shirley died June 17, 2009 at Cedar Stone Nursing home Truro,NS.

                                                                                Shirley: Aunt Shirley Supplied Dates for herself and son Joe( with the exception of her birthdate , that we may always be unsure) also names of her parents.






                             i                                                                                  10.           i George Sydney Werenka,





10.     George Sydney Werenka. (3George, 2 Alexander2, 1.Demetri1) born Oct27, 1947





                                                                                              He married Susan McKillop in 1966.




                17.                                                                                           11.           i               Robert Werenka  

                18.                                                                                           13.           ii              Troy Werenka   

                19.                                                                                           14.           iii             Alexander Stacey Werenka. After a conversation with Stacey Werenka Nov 7, 2004 I have decided to include all

                                                                                                                                                                the children of George Sydney Werenka. Since this information is being shared amongst family and I may not

                                                                                                                                                                have all facts straight at this time but this certainly can be edited when I know more.

                                                                                                                                                                 I am sure Stacey will help me fix any errors. 

                .                                                                                               15.           iv             Trevor Werenka married in June 2004 to Sarah Brenton. Divorced Sep05.  Married #2 before Sep 2007 Cynthia Lorraine Crawford.


                                                                                                      He married 2nd Martha unknown


                                                                                                                          17.               v.     Darren Werenka age 16 in 2004.


                                                                                                      He not married Dorothy Graham (Name from Aunt Shirley) sometime during a separation from his first wife Susan. They had a child. I am not sure how

                                                                                                                                                                   Nicky had the name Cook, or maybe Graham in incorrect something to Clarify.


                                                                                                                          12.               vi     Juanita Cook (Nicky) Nicky                                                                                           


                                                                                                      He not married Ella Nora Colburn  sometime I believe during another separation from first wife Susan.


                                                                                                                          18.               vii    Roger Colburn




Fifth Generation




                                                                                                      11.       Robert Werenka . (10 George, 4 George, 2 Alexander2, 1.Demetri1)


                                                                                                                                              He married Wanda Lee unknown




                                                                                                                                                i               Cameron Werenka

                                                                                                                                                ii              Chelsea Werenka

                                                                                                                                               iii             Christian Werenka






21.                                                                                                          13.         Troy Werenka (10 George, 4 George, 2 Alexander2, 1.Demetri1)


                                                                                                                              He married Tracy Dort May23, 1992.




                                                                                                                                                 i              George Brandon Werenka

                                                                                                                                                ii              Nikolaus Troy Werenka







                                                                                                    19.    Alexander Stacey Werenka (10 George, 4 George, 2 Alexander2, 1.Demetri1)


                                                                                                                                              He married Dawn Leigh unknown




                                                                                                                                                i               Jeffery Alexander Werenka

                                                                                                                                                ii              Chandler Andrew Werenka

                                                                                                                                               iii             Connor Donald Donte’ Werenka



                                                                                                      12..      Juanita Cook (Nicky) (10 George, 4 George, 2 Alexander2, 1.Demetri1)


                                                                                                              She married Arthur King



                                                                                                            i                      Christina King


                                                                                                              She married #2 Gordon Lawrence




                                                                                                                                              I          Lucas Lawrence

                                                                                                                                          iii       Rachel Lawrence





                                                                                 Left to right back George Werenka, Sandra Cook, Billy Miles, Stephen Cook, Arthur King, Trevor Werenka, Maybe Robbie Werenka behind,

                                                                                 Troy Werenka, Alexander Stacey Werenka, Sophie O’Neill, second row Nicky Cook King, Baby Christina King, Gary McKenzie,

                                                                                  Pauline Scott, Kathy Miles, Duke Hayes, and Front Row Heather Miles, Mary Beth Miles, Jennifer Miles,

                                                                                 Melanie O’Neill, Philip Jr Miles and Andrew O’Neill. This Photo was Taken 1986.